done with banks

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May 11, 2011
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its been a while since i posted on here.. but i have been living in my truck for the past two years full time job is an mobile auto detailer.. i make decent amount of money but its very hard to budget when i get some rain sometimes or dead times like around the holidays.. so i tend to mess up alot and im always paying late fees.<div><br></div><div>i would really like to close my bank account and live on a cash only basis.. but they just dont make it easy anymore.. i cant pay certain bills without an account... so i can maybe do money orders or west union but then there is a fee there.. so im still spending my money.. i work very hard for my money and i dont even want 3.00 of it going to anyone but me and my bills.. is there any way around this?</div><div><br></div><div>im really getting to the point where im really gonna just vanish.. but im worried about carrying cash on me all the time too... so i feel trapped..&nbsp;</div>
I would recommend opening an account with a credit union instead. The one I belong to is rated highly and membership is open to all. However do some research and compare them to others as you might find something better.<div><br></div><div>Here are a few things about their checking accounts ...&nbsp;</div><div>Minimum $25 to open checking account</div><div>No minimum balance required</div><div>No monthly service charge</div><div>No per check fee<br><div><br><div></div><div><br></div><div>Hope this helps!</div><div><br></div><div>Steve</div><div><br></div></div></div>
We use a credit union, 5 dollar minimum balance all services free. Everything online. We have a 1000 overdraft: establishes a loan that you don't pay interest on if you pay it off in 30 days.
<p style="margin: 0px;">Yes, credit unions (most of them) are the best for service with no or nomional fees. I have accounts with two credit unions, one in NC and one in OH. Credit unions have a&nbsp; ... once a member always a member ... philosophy, and generally make it easy to transact business anywhere, by mail, telephone, or Internet.</p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">Bob</p>
<p style="margin: 0px;">it doesn't have to be one or the other, black or white. Keep your account to use for bills that require a bank, for everything else use cash. Some people like to use the envelope method of budgeting. Figure out where your money goes and categorize it. For example: food, gas, entertainemnt, etc. At the first of every month take out enough cash to barely get by the month and put what you think you need in each envelope. If you let an envelop run out, thats it, your done for the month--no more of that category. In the begginning you will mess up, but over time you will get it right and know what to put in each envelope. </p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">Have an envelope for an emergency fund and always put some money (even if it isn't much) every month AND NEVER TAKE MONEY OUT!!&nbsp;That money is sacred! If there is something you need but can't afford right now, create an envelope for it and put a little money in it every month. For example, if you want $300 for a solar panel make an envelope called "Solar panel', and every month put $30 in it and in 10 months you can buy a solar panel. </p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">this doesn't work for everybody but for some it is a lifesaver. Bob</p>
<p style="margin: 0px;">I bank at a small town bank and it has been&nbsp;a blessing...&nbsp; I explained that much of the time I will be traveling (which is the plan eventually) and they just send the bank statements to the PO Box address.&nbsp; With electronic access, I can check the balance, transfer funds, etc. from any wifi.&nbsp; The best part (and maybe the worst part) is that I can call and talk to *** or ***** and ask him/her a quick question.&nbsp; They know me and don't ask 20 questions.&nbsp; Only in Iowa...</p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">The smaller town bank&nbsp;fees are lower than Bank of America or Wells Fargo etc. Thankfully I don't have to pay any of them.&nbsp; It's free checking, free debit card, etc.&nbsp; I haven't bounced anything for a long time.&nbsp; Heck, I haven't written a check for so long, I cannot remember the last time!&nbsp; Everything - car insurace, registration, etc. is all electronic any more.&nbsp; </p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">Here is another sign of the times... Pay Pal is now accepted by the Home Depot...&nbsp; You'd be surprised how many companies are now taking that method&nbsp;even for in-store purchases.</p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">Another method you might consider is the pre-paid credit card.&nbsp; I've hard Dave Ramsey (a money guru on the radio) mention some that actually pay YOU interest.&nbsp; Wouldn't that be nice?</p>
thanks for all the great replies and help.. and i have heard good things about credit unions as well..but lately i have been struggling so much.. even with a succesful business.. i am an auto detailer and a busy one at that but some days im sitting around not making a dime because of rain.. so budgeting has been really hard.. so i make mistakes.. then get hit with overdrafts and its just been a rollercoaster like that most my life and i am kind of done with the system.. just really wanna vanish.. do a hard days work.. put healthy food in my gut and live a free that even possible today? &nbsp; seems like its all turning technical and debit cards and online banking are taking over.. and not making it easy to live old school.<div><br></div><div>i love the mobile lifestyle.. it has made me more healthy than when i was in my twenties.. i now appreceiate all the smallest of things.. and i dont want to go back to having a house.. im afraid of getting sucked back in and becoming a zombie overweight consumer. lol.</div>
lol i realized i pretty much said the same thing in my original post.. but you get the picture <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
Hi guy, I recently went to doing all my banking online with USAA bank. It was originally started as an insurance company for veterans and career military but I believe anyone can use the bank. It is working extremely well for me no charges for anything and if I use a ATM anywhere in the US they pay me back the service charge the ATM charges up to $15.00 a month....I have yet to find a negative about them...<br><br>As to the rest of your post...we all have to deal with life..there is not many ways to make it all go away....believe me I have tried....the best we can do is learn to deal with it...<br><br>As the population increases exponentially and time marches on, privacy and the luxury of doing things like it was 20 or 30 or 50 years ago is just not realistic...<br><br>My opinion usual, of luck with whatever you do....<br>bri<br><br>
I try to use a balance of both cash and web banking. I also use a credit union and am very happy. I have to admit, I think the web banking is very handy when vandwelling. I was getting paychecks in California and my CU is in SLC so I was mailing the checks to Utah to be put in my account. Then I found they had an app for my phone that lets me take pictures of the check and deposit from anywhere!<div><br></div><div>I know my CU has a program for some sort of overdraft protection. They just roll money from your savings or allow you to overdraft up to $300 for 30 days or something. If its the overdrafts that are irking you, look into something like that.&nbsp;<br><div><br></div><div>Also on a side note for other CU users, I just became hip to Shared Branching. If any CU supports Shared Branching you can make deposits and withdraw money and what not, even if you don't have an account there. Great for travelers. Rad!</div></div>
there has got to be a way around it.. im not giving up.. for example just the other day.. i went to cash a check at a bank i did not have an account with.. and i must have gotten asked 3 times who im backing with.. am i happy with them.. finally i snapped at the manager and said can you stop asking me already.. i told you not to worry about it.. and they still&nbsp;proceeded&nbsp;to pry into my personal business.. i finally said.. just give me my money so i can go please and stop talking to me.<div><br></div><div>im done with it all!!!</div>
On another post I share the fact I use a small regional bank; consequently I get smacked every time I use an ATM after I run out of cash. I try to get cash at grocery stores;which works sometimes. I thought I'd take care of this problem by opening up an expense account with Wells Fargo . . . NOT!!!!<br><br>Long story short; it took me 3 months to close the account. I got more junk mail than I could stand. Then they wanted me to have three assoc. with them to have a free checking account, dropped interest on an account. Finally . . .Adios Amigos<img src="" align="absmiddle" border="0"><br><br>If that is the way they operate, I don't need it thank you.<br><br>gus<br><br>
<p style="margin: 0px;">Since I have to use a bank, I treat it like having to have shelter, obtain nourishment and have a vehicle.&nbsp; I obtain gratification by not paying them&nbsp; a cent.&nbsp; Join a credit union.&nbsp; Do nothing to cause a fee to be charged.&nbsp; You are not cheating the institution.&nbsp; They relish deposits of any size and&nbsp;welcome a high number of accounts.&nbsp; They loan the money (more than is on deposit) and earn revenue off of people who borrow money to get what they want or need -- usually some "stuff" they can't live without or save for.&nbsp; So, use a bank in a useful and gratifying way.</p>
Pop said:
<p style="margin: 0px;">Since I have to use a bank, I treat it like having to have shelter, obtain nourishment and have a vehicle.&nbsp; I obtain gratification by not paying them&nbsp; a cent.&nbsp; Join a credit union.&nbsp; Do nothing to cause a fee to be charged.&nbsp; You are not cheating the institution.&nbsp; They relish deposits of any size and&nbsp;welcome a high number of accounts.&nbsp; They loan the money (more than is on deposit) and earn revenue off of people who borrow money to get what they want or need -- usually some "stuff" they can't live without or save for.&nbsp; So, use a bank in a useful and gratifying way.</p>
<br><br>This is exactly the way I use a bank but Wells Fargo wasn't happy with that. First they wanted me to apply to a credit card, then they wanted me to deposit money into a savings account; which was OK. Then, "Sir, who do you have your mortgage with?"<br>Junk mail to no end trying to sell all these things you can't live without like; credit checking service, insurance of various kinds.<br>The&nbsp; last straw was when I was 1500 miles from home and my debit card quit working. When I got home and went into the bank they told me they sent out new cards because they changed the card system they use for our protection. <br>They canceled the current one as soon as they sent out the new one. I was 1500 miles from home!!!<br>The send so much junk I quit opening it all and just trashed it. The card too!!! It's kind of funny after the fact; but it was none to humorous at the time.<br><br>I'll just stay with my small home town bank. I get smacked with an ATM once in awhile if I don't plan things right but not that often. I don't owe any bank&nbsp; any money for anything so the situation is this: We don't need them; they need us. My wife and I run strictly a cash outfit and taught our children the same.<br>It is a different relationship with a bank when you owe them nothing!<br><br>gus<br>
<p>Use cash, stop the nosey invasion of our privacy.&nbsp; Banks and all the other electronic invasion are gathering our personal information to use against us.&nbsp; In the end it is all leading to the MARK OF THE BEAST.&nbsp; In the Bible it reads that in the last days no one will be able to buy or sell anything without the Mark of the Beast.&nbsp; What is the mark of the beast you say?&nbsp; It is the BAR CODE that is used all over and its number is 666.&nbsp; "They" want to implant&nbsp;a bar code in us.&nbsp; So when we shop at a store, on line or where ever all they have to do is scan us and bingo our whole life pops up on a screen.&nbsp; Then they want to deduct our purchase price from out bank account.&nbsp; Does this sound like BIG BROTHER to you?&nbsp; Don't give away your FREEDOM.&nbsp; Use cash and tell your friends and family to do the same.&nbsp; Think of the Veterans that have given their lives for our freedom.&nbsp; Fight the New World Order with every fiber of your being...or lose what our Vets have given their blood for.</p>