Hello,<br><br> I've been lurking here for a while. I've been reading all the Heating and Air Conditioning topics. I live in Phoenix and part time in the van. <br><br> I owned tear drop trailers years ago and they used 'dog house' A/C units (link below) to cool their trailers. They would sit them on the tongue and 'plumb' them into the front. <br><br> Some of us want stealth. So, how about building an enclosure inside, next to a wall, cut a large square hole in the side of the van and install a vent cover. Then put the A/C unit inside the enclosure. Run the two hoses and the electrical and it seems like you'd be all set. They are 2500BTU units and it says their draw is .3KWH (300 watts). Are these A/C units AND heaters (heat pumps I believe.) I'm thinking once they cooled the space down, their draw would be very little. Could one of these run off of batteries and solar? Or would it still take a ton of batteries? What are your thoughts?<br><br><br>http://www.americas-pet-store.com/dog-house-air-conditioner-heater-climate-control-unit.html<br><br> Thanks in advance for your responses and time.<br><br>Best,<br>Randy <br>Phoenix, AZ<br><br>