Dog house A/C units?

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Jan 23, 2013
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Hello,<br><br>&nbsp; I've been lurking here for a while.&nbsp; I've been reading all the Heating and Air Conditioning topics.&nbsp; I live in Phoenix and part time in the van.&nbsp; <br><br>&nbsp; I owned tear drop trailers years ago and they used 'dog house' A/C units (link below) to cool their trailers.&nbsp; They would sit them on the tongue and 'plumb' them into the front.&nbsp; <br><br>&nbsp; Some of us want stealth.&nbsp; So, how about building an enclosure inside, next to a wall, cut a large square hole in the side of the van and install a vent cover.&nbsp; Then put the A/C unit inside the enclosure.&nbsp; Run the two hoses and the electrical and it seems like you'd be all set.&nbsp; They are 2500BTU units and it says their draw is .3KWH (300 watts).&nbsp; Are these A/C units AND heaters (heat pumps I believe.)&nbsp; I'm thinking once they cooled the space down, their draw would be very little.&nbsp; Could one of these run off of batteries and solar?&nbsp; Or would it still take a ton of batteries?&nbsp; What are your thoughts?<br><br><br><br><br>&nbsp; Thanks in advance for your responses and time.<br><br>Best,<br>Randy <br>Phoenix, AZ<br><br>
really smart suggestion. was wondering how these teardrop trailers can keep cool during the scorching nights of southern summers. wonder how well they work in high humidity. many AC units cant cool as well in high humidity.&nbsp;
These units are 110 volt so would need an inverter. Also, 2500 btu is not very much and the units may not reach a shut down point. Room air conditioners are available for much less than $600.
If you google (or use for private searching) "12v swamp cooler" you get lots of links.<br>From home-made to expensive commercially made.<br>IMO - swamp coolers work better/cheaper in the desert, but they don't work worth a crap in humid areas.
It seemed like a good idea.&nbsp; <br><br>They are supposed to remove up to .8 gallons per hour.&nbsp; I know this is important to the folks in the high humidity areas.<br><br>I enjoy the swamp coolers as well but there are times here in the desert the swap coolers don't work well, like during our monsoon season.<br><br>The real key is if they would cycle back and forth.&nbsp; A lot might depend on how well our vans are insulated.&nbsp; There is a dog house builder here in Phoenix that uses these A/C units.&nbsp; And, I can only imagine how hot a dog house can be inside when the outside temps are 115+.&nbsp; But, if they could cool off the van and cycle back and forth, it seems like their draw would be less.<br><br>I know they are more expensive than a typical 5,000 BTU unit from Wall-Mart but these might run on a solar and battery set up; which makes them priceless.<br><br>We really need a member who knows solar and electricity, to comment on this idea.&nbsp; Is it possible to run this A/C unit on an inverter and batteries?&nbsp; Then be able to recharge?&nbsp; I drive during the day and the 'cab' has A/C so I'm hoping the batteries would have a chance to recharge.&nbsp; I've read a lot of post on solar and batteries.&nbsp; But, I'm no expert on solar or anything electrical.&nbsp; So, I would appreciate someone's time.<br><br>Best,<br>Randy in Phoenix
Yes they are 110 volt and can run on an inverter from a battery. so can cheaper higher output units. depends on the battery the size of the inverter and the amount of recharge solar, generator ect.
I don't think these units are large enough for a van size camper.
They can only cool a volume of 27 cu.ft. but the interior volume of a regular length van is about 9 times that at 250 cu.ft.&nbsp; An extended van is about 300 cu.ft. so this AC would be way too small....especially in PHX.
Swamp coolers only work in low humidity areas. Most of the USA will be high humidity
&nbsp;If you direct the cool air to where you're sitting/lying, then it might be blazing hot everywhere else in your abode, but blisfully cool in that one area. Could also have curtains blocking off areas you don't need cooled to any great extent, thus reducing the cubic feet that need cooling. ..Willy.
I was researching these a couple of weeks ago and found that PetCool is now Thermassure. Neither of which seem to be producing units right now, but a company called Climateright is coming out with new models this month.<br><br>They've done away with the 2500 btu model, but they will have 5000, 7000, and I think 12000 btu units available soon. They are advertising the bigger models to actually cool garages, so should be plenty powerful. I'm on the waiting list, but think I will stick with my 5000 btu window shaker from target for 60 bucks.&nbsp; The power draw is similar, but the convenience of the heat, cool, automatic thermostat, remote control, and easy installation is ALMOST enough to spend the 600 bucks.
You might shake these apart in a few thousand miles. I suggest that you get the window unit. <br><br>James AKA Lynx
I would suggest a window unit or a portable unit.&nbsp; Less expensive.<br><br>lost_bone, do you have another photo of the unit in the rear door?