Do you have to bring in your solar each night?

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Active member
May 14, 2018
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Alberta, Canada
I'm assuming the answer to this is a resounding 'yes' but if I am going to be joining the caravans, on BLM land, and traveling with a large, solar panel (5 foot X 2.5 foot), that I will not be installing on my rig, will I have to haul it inside my van each night?  

Thanks for your input.
I use a suitcase solar system and usually leave it out all night. The answer really depends on where you are camped. If you are near areas like big cities I would at least make it less visible. Thievery happens. I had a generator stolen in Anza Borrego.

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Not if it's permanently mounted to the roof.

If you mean portable, then depends where you are.
I just re-aim it toward the morning sun so I don't have to haul my butt out of bed first thing in the morning. :D

I have never put my solar away just to have it put away. If I'm staying someplace where I don't feel it's safe to leave it out, then I'm in the wrong spot to start with.

I will put it away if everyone in camp is going to be gone at the same time so that the van is sitting there unattended.
John61CT said:
...then depends where you are.

Yeah. I've never noticed anyone taking their panels in at night. I've heard of people having their generators stolen, but not solar panels.
no, don't have to come in, but be weary of where you are camped and severe weather and all that common sense stuff :)
The only theft of solar panels I have seen mentioned in forums happened at the slabs.  That's a different world.
I'm just waiting to see someone running down the road trying to get away with a bunch of solar panels !!! LOL
It is very easy to drive up to a van and slip panels into your vehicle, and easy to pass off as your own if discovered. I have often sat outside in a nearly empty campground and seen people wandering around looking for portable stuff set out. They look around as they start to take it, see me watching them, and “casually “ stroll off—often waiting awhile for me to go in, before leaving.
I don’t leave anything out when I go, except a cheap chair. Panels, grills, propane campfires, generators, and in BLM particularly, RV tires are all high theft items. You won’t lose it every time, but if you leave a valuable item where anyone could take it, someone will.
where are you camping? I would find a new area. you mention BLM what BLM land do you think is high crime? RV tires, really? sounds like Detroit. sorry Timmy. highdesertranger
In Mexico, I locked my portable solar panels to the vehicle using a 25’ dog run cable and a padlock. The cable is long enough to place the panels out in the sun away from the vehicle.

The cable can be strung though chair and table frames should I need to prevent them from wandering off.
I would think that someone can not pull along side my van and slip the panels away. Mine have nuts, bolts, and screws. Some with safety heads.
I use a solar suitcase, never have taken them in.

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Most likely, a good place to put it would be underneath the frame of the van for the night to prevent wind/thieves/hail from damaging them. You could also lean them against the side of the van with a strap around them to prevent falling over.