Dispersed camping etc.......

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Well-known member
Dec 30, 2012
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There are a few free places to boondock in TN but I was told they're horribly overcrowded, with dogs running loose, untended children and noise well into the night. Has anyone had any experience in these free places?  What was your experience?
Mornin Kitty, ya, I do a lot o boondocking in N. Ga./S.e. Tn. and only find overcrowding on holidays, otherwise, the ones I visit are usually mostly empty and otherwise, mostly one-nighters.  
just like the Provincial and State Campgrounds, hooligans who know that nothing will happen to them and they will never see those people again, so.. they just do not care at all! 
True, at least at some campgrounds, but, the locals around here pretty much control that, at least to some extent. I haven't had any problems around here, other than one local setting up a pop up and running genny 24 hrs a day, ranger tho popped up and put a stop to that.  Did see a bear and 4 hogs one day across the stream, didn't acknowledge me at all.                 
Hi Freykatt; Where in&nbsp; those areas do you find places to boondock?&nbsp; Are they remote mountain areas?&nbsp; Our old Class-C will soon be on the road. We've about fixed everything that needed fixin'. <br><br>I would love to find a place a little south of Atlanta GA to boondock, near I-75. So far the only place we found was the WalMart parking lots.&nbsp; <img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">
Hi kitty, freecampsites.net is a good resource. Hicky gap n.e. Of Dalton is a great lil free camp, tumbling creek in s.e. Tn. Is another good free camp. Check the link under "georgia and tenn. For a lot o opions.
Freykatt:&nbsp; Thanks for the information. There are no free camping places in middle TN that I could find.&nbsp; I guess because it's too built up here and all the land is owned and posted, farmed, subdivisions etc.&nbsp; We were hoping to find something within 50 to 75 miles of&nbsp; home.&nbsp; <br><br><br>
Morning Kitty, did the freecampsites not find anything in that area? &nbsp;If there is national forest in that area then here is always dispersed camping.
Not all National Forests allow dispersed camping, and some only allow it at marked sites.&nbsp; You can try on each forest's web site, but some hide the info.
blars, hide the info not the forest circus.&nbsp; they would never do that.&nbsp; highdesertranger
Freykatt: No we didn't find anything near us at all.&nbsp; No national forests in our area either.

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