Disaster strikes

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Jul 11, 2012
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<p>As some of you know, my GF and I are going to be moving to the PAC-NW in about 3 weeks. We had finally settled down on the van of our dreams, our new home.<br /><br />I took a bus out of town, because we had found it in a city about 4 hours away. I met with the owner, looked over the van, test drove it, solid. This was it. Perfect. Low miles, good price, exactly what we wanted, just needed new tires. So I pay the man his money and set off on the&nbsp;maiden&nbsp;voyage to get the van back home. It would serve as a moving van here in the next few days, then a cargo carrier for a few garage sales, then with about 2 weeks left, made into a cozy little place to call home. I pulled into our lot and the GF came down with tape measure in hand, and we started making a diagram of what was going to go where. We had it all laid out in our heads. Today we bought some graph paper and were going to get all the&nbsp;schematics&nbsp;down.</p><p>Before that happened though, we went to bed. Dreaming of our new lives on wheels.</p><p>That dream was shattered when we came outside this afternoon and discovered nothing in the parking space we had left her in but broken glass. ****. <br />I called the company that tows from our lot (you have to have a visible parking thing) and they hadn't seen or towed anything today. So our worst fears were realized - our van, our future HOME had been taken from us.</p><p>Naturally I'm dealing with the Ins. company now, because it's a little "too convenient" that a vehicle I just had insured was stolen less than 24 hours later. Combined with the fact that all I have is a title with another guys name on it, and a bill of sale, and it's looking rough.</p><p>We're not telling a lot of people about this - but I figured you guys could&nbsp;empathize&nbsp;with our loss more than anyone else.</p><p>So. Here we are... in the hunt for another... home.</p>
WOW, thats terrible news. I feel bad for you. Hopefully everything will work out.
Oh man, I am so sorry to hear about your theft. What dicks some guys (yeah, it's mostly guys that do this kind of thing) can be, really.&nbsp;<br />Man... that really blows. I suppose that's still better than being carjacked --you might have been hurt if they came upon you with weapons...<br />Or... At least you and your girlfriend weren't in a theater watching Batman...<br /><br />Hope you find a new van, dude...&nbsp;
Bummer! <img src="../images/boards/smilies/frown.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />
Try checking around to see if the lot you parked in has any cameras, or any others in the area? Mabye a jealous ex? Anyway, it sucks. Hope you get it worked out.
Crap, that's awful?! I'm so sorry to hear... there's just no getting around that the situation sucks. Good luck.
<p>Thanks for the kind words.</p><p>THEY FOUND IT!! The police department called me about a half hour ago letting me know that it was discovered and towed to the police tow lot. Now I'm just hoping that besides the window and the&nbsp;consul&nbsp;it's not too tore up. I also shot one of my buddies (a cop) a text, asking if they can print the wheel, etc, to see if there is anything they can find on whoever did this.</p><p>I'll update you guys accordingly! Maybe the universe isn't as shitty as I was starting to believe...</p>
Glad they got it located. A little bump on the road, and the insurance company should be happier they only have to pay for a few repairs.&nbsp;<br /><br />Odds are against locating the thieves - viable fingerprints aren't easy from most car interiors. Maybe from the exterior, but they need something to compare them with.<br /><br />Let us know what happens.
Good to hear its been located, hopefully without too much dammage. Damn I hate it when someone STEALS a Dream.
Glad to hear you got it back!<br /><br />
Excellent news that you got your dream rig back....good luck on everything,<br />Bri
Glad to hear a happy ending! <img src="../images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />
note to self:

when I get my van, install LOUD alarm system first thing!

Glad it all worked out! I'd say you were due for a major stretch
of good luck after going through that bit of trauma!
congrats......damn whatta shame.........congrats.........good luck.