Decisions!!! Turning Point!!

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New member
Feb 7, 2014
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Where ever the Good Lord Wills!
:idea: Seen a 2000 Savanna Hi-Top conversion for sale today w/72K miles and it has me thinking. I am looking to go on a trip to visit family which will put me on a 3k mile trip. I have an old 1988 E-350 26' motorhome in need of $1200.00 of tires; about another $800.00 in services and tuneup; etc. that is if I do all the labor; except tires.
I have Congestive Heart Failure; get short of breath on exertion. Had a severe Heart Attack the end of March 2012 and got 3 stents in my heart arteries. Well! CHF can get worse; so I want to make the visit ASAP.
I retired early and will turn 63 this July; have a small SS Income and another tiny pension which allows me to pay my lot/utilities and some groceries. This may be the last time I will be able to do this; some relatives I haven't seen in 7 years and a beloved Sis who is in assisted living facility who may not survive much longer.
I know I can resell the Van for much more when I return or keep it and sell my 2000 Ranger and will have to take less. Either way it looks win-win....:cool::cool:
Welcome Pieere;
hang in there and do the Bucket list.
might state aprox ,where you are, maybe someone here can help you.
glad to have new members.
Take care of your health. Go on walks and get at least some excercise.

your health is the only thing keeping you alive.

You'll feel better, you'll last longer, and when you do get out to see those relatives of your's, you'll have the energy to do things with 'em! :D
Pieere we're very glad you found us and you want to share this adventure with us! It sounds to me like the van is the way to go. The $2000 in repairs will pay for a big chunk of the van and you will double your MPG. The gas you save should cover the rest of the money you will spend on the van. It's hard to see how you don't win!

You won't be as comfortable as the RV but I bet you will enjoy driving it so much more that might make up for it. Plus we can give you tips to make the van remarkably comfortable.

Who knows, maybe you will be like so many of us and fall in love with vandwelling and make it a way of life!!