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You are all very correct, there are things that cannot be avoided. I guess I was using a little hyperbole to impress on Chance the fact that most "accidents" absolutely CAN be avoided. Far too many young people these days have been raised in such a culture of avoidance of blaming anyone for anything that they act as if bad things "just happen" and no one is at fault and thus there is nothing to be done to avoid them. I'm hoping to impress upon our young wippersnapper that there is a lot one can do to avoid crashes. Just as one plans for a trip or plans to become a vandweller it is possible to "plan" one's route and timing through an intersection to reduce the possibility of a crash to an absolute minimum. 

P.S. I know that not everyone "plans" every step of becoming a vandweller. But most of us do. Most of the discussions on this board are about planning for that transition.
My insurance company gives me $50 a day towards a rental, so at least we'd be able to get around. From there it will depend on where we are, but we'd find somewhere to stay while the van is being repaired. If it can't be repaired or it isn't cost effective to do so, I plan to have a reserve fund available with enough cash to get somewhere where we know someone. Out route puts us no more than a few hours from someone we know at any given time if all else fails.

As far as salvaging your stuff goes, the advantage of being able to fit everything you own in a van is that it's pretty easy to transport. The sad part would be losing all the custom built stuff that is nailed or bolted to the frame, but that's likely to be broken anyway if the damage is that bad.