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I know, I make cool titles! This one got your attention all right! Now, getting to the point, what should you do if you get into a automobile crash?! Your whole life is in that auto! What are you supposed to do?! Just give up?!
What would you do if your sticks n bricks burned down?

You pick yourself up and go on.
Depends on how bad the crash is. Fender bender, or totalled? You can pitch a tent or stay in a motel room while it's being repaired, or go looking for a new vehicle..... You might locate a cheap room via Craig's List - but be Very Careful!
Last Friday I was traveling to TX, moving about 70 mph just before dusk. Bam something big and brown hit the right side of my SUV and came up over the hood. I handled it well and screamed. My friend and I thought I hit a deer.
I was an owl. It lodged in my grill, plastic, the wing flew up and we both thought a deer was coming through the windshield.
I stopped and dislodged the owl and said lots of bad words.
When we stopped for gas a while later to survey the damage more discouraging words came forth.
I called the ins company, I have 250.00 deductible for comprehensive coverage. I have around 650.00 damage.
If I could load pics here I would show you how much damage a stinkin' owl can do.
Lucky I had clear packing tape to cover the headlight lense so the rain and snow didn't bust the light bulb.

I have decent coverage on my vehicle, none on the camper. I will survive. Having this happen made me feel very mortal and very fortunate nothing else happened.
PS, I had that 250.00 earmarked for other things, like living. A padding of cash is sure useful.
Stay elsewhere while it is fixed, or while looking for a new vehicle. Or for those of us still in out homes and using the van for road trips, we use another vehicle. If you have family or friends nearby, you might get them to allow you to bunk with them. Temporarily. Lots of options.
My insurance policy has always included loss of use coverage. When that is on your own policy, if the accident was the other guys fault, you're covered for rental of a similar vehicle so you could at least rent another van even if it's an empty shell.

And one should always have an emergency fund, even when you're living from one check to another.

If you're on the road and your vehicle has to be in a shop for whatever reason, there's most likely a campground nearby that might have cabins or you look for an inexpensive motel.

There's always a plan B (and C), one just has to have the skill to look for alternatives.
Bob talks about this on the home page of this very web site. You take the money you are saving by not paying rent and set it aside for emergencies.
More concerned about my own body than the vehicle- if I'm still mobile, curse til I feel better, be thankful it ain't worse, and get on with what needs to be fixed or replaced.
I'd be more concerned about being in a hospital and having my personal stuff pilfered from the wreck.
Well, I guess that depends on just what kind of box you decide to make it out of. I would think a cardboard box would be a poor choice. ;)
This may sound stupid, but one thing you do is don't crash.  Don't have accidents, and don't get traffic tickets.  When I was young, I drove like an idiot.  Now I never get tickets of have accidents, because I drive like a careful old man and I am a skillful driver.  Things can still happen of course.  If something bad happened while I was on the road, I'd figure out something or I might call my buddy just to talk things through.  Three things that are extremely helpful in such a situation are a working credit card, cash, tools, phone. 
My "REAL" insurance policy is having a large enough emergency fund to replace everything, including my van.

If you plan to rely only upon yourself, your finances, and your resourcefulness, then you are covered for any eventuality.

Murphy was a very smart man, and one of his sayings is: "Anything that can go wrong will, and usually at the most inopportune time."  Heed his warning and <b><u>BE&nbsp;PREPARED</u></b>!
In my opinion, crashes (what many people call "accidents") never just happen. They are always the result of a failure to pay attention. Every form of accident can be avoided without needing to stay off the roads entirely or drive 5 miles an hour.

Afraid that a car will speed through an intersection against the light? Look both ways before going into the intersection as if stop lights and stop signs had never been invented. It only takes an extra second of time.

Afraid that a truck will blow over on top of you on a windy day? Never be on the down-wind side of a truck without checking to see if it is stable. Again, it just takes an extra split second.

Drive as if the whole world is out to get you. That doesn't mean you sit still. It means you pay attention to everything. It is not hard to learn. Do not think you are too cool to turn your head all the way around to look every possible direction multiple times as you are doing anything. Look for every possible thing that could go wrong. Not out of fear, but so you can wisely figure out a way to avoid even being in that situation again.

Chance, I saw in another post that you are afraid of going on the freeway. Well, you are gonna have to get used to it. If you aren't comfortable going on the freeway, then I don't want to meet you on a country road either.
GrantRobertson said:
In my opinion, crashes (what many people call "accidents") never just happen. They are always the result of a failure to pay attention. Every form of accident can be avoided without needing to stay off the roads entirely or drive 5 miles an hour.

Not true! I've been in two accidents. Both times I had come to complete stops. Once at a red light, I was the 4th car back from the intersection and was hit from behind.

The second time I was waiting in line at a gas station, next in line at the pumps. Someone came around the pumps from the other side and hit my driver's side front door panel. 

Accidents do happen and they happen all the time, no matter how careful you are.
I don't follow the reasoning of this. what if whatever your driving gets in a wreck? does it really matter if your house get plowed into, if it's a van or a motor home or a truck? highdesertranger
Rent a 12 pass. van and grab all my junk.... And take it from there.