Convert a hammer to mallet!

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Well-known member
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
I wasn't sure where to post this, but I felt too happy about it not to share.

So I encountered some stubborn bolts while I was dismembering parts of my bf's van that weren't rusted over or anything, just tightened beyond what my less-than-robust strength could handle. This gave me the excuse to make a run to Walmart and pick up a cheap claw hammer I've been wanting for my toolbox, and rubber chair leg tips similar to this but for under $2. Slip one over the end of the hammer and I've got myself a mallet--admittedly small, but it does the job. The task I'd wrestled with on and off for a good 45 minutes straight was suddenly accomplished in under a minute with very little effort.

Credit for the idea belongs here.

There's also a place that sells rubber tips specifically designed to fit over the ends of hammers and appear to be much larger, they call them the Hammer Bumper and charge $15 each. That's been on my dream list for years but with this cheap solution at my fingertips I think I've got it covered for a while!

I love space-saving solutions like this; thought others here might as well. :)
Bitty said:
I wasn't sure where to post this, but I felt too happy about it not to share.

So I encountered some stubborn bolts while I was dismembering parts of my bf's van that weren't rusted over or anything, just tightened beyond what my less-than-robust strength could handle. This gave me the excuse to make a run to Walmart and pick up a cheap claw hammer I've been wanting for my toolbox, and rubber chair leg tips similar to this but for under $2. Slip one over the end of the hammer and I've got myself a mallet--admittedly small, but it does the job. The task I'd wrestled with on and off for a good 45 minutes straight was suddenly accomplished in under a minute with very little effort.

Credit for the idea belongs here.

There's also a place that sells rubber tips specifically designed to fit over the ends of hammers and appear to be much larger, they call them the Hammer Bumper and charge $15 each. That's been on my dream list for years but with this cheap solution at my fingertips I think I've got it covered for a while!

I love space-saving solutions like this; thought others here might as well. :)

Great idea! I'm filing that in the back of my mind.