Hey guys. I'm planning on starting my house battery build next week, an dI could use some guidance here and there. I've been looking through a number of tutorials and diagrams.
Here's some questions I have before I round out my parts list and get started:
1. Someone suggested that I buy a maxi fuse block with 80 amp fuses. Now I can't remember why or who suggested it and I can't for the life of me find the post. I also have a 6 circuit fuse block and was wondering, am I supposed to wire the maxi fuse block between the 6 circuit block and the battery bank?
2. If constantly charging a battery is bad, how can I control this when the batteries will be hooked up to solar and solenoid for charging?
What keeps the house batteries from overcharging?
3. I've been told that I should fuse everything. What I'm having trouble with is figuring out which fuses to use where. I assume there is some general rule or chart, but I cant make heads or tails of it considering all the wiring that is about to take place. On the other side of the question, what size wire should I use? Everyone seems to have a better option, but the general consensus seems to suggest that thicker gauge is better. Is that true across the board?
For example what kind of fuses should I use for the solenoid lines? Do I need to fuse grounds?
What about fusing the line between the 100w solar panel and the battery?
4. This is really dumb question, but I've just never done it: I realize I'm going to have to drill into my van to mount the solenoid, and drill a hole in the firewall to feed a wire from the solenoid to the house batteries inside the van--how to I figure out if I've found a safe area to drill, and do I need to seal around these holes and wires will sealant to prevent rusting/leaking? This is the part that is scaring me the most.
Parts I have:
2 group 29 deep cycle batteries.
6 circuit fuse block for appliances with assorted fuses
continuous duty solenoid
Maxi fuse block with 80 Amp fuses (this one I'm confused about. someone somewhere suggested that I buy this and I can't find the resource now. from what I remember they said to install this between the 6 circuit breaker and the house batteries. is that right?)
basic tool kit, wire cutter and crimper, and crimp on terminals.
Parts I need:
Thanks guys. I'm still swimming in a sea of confusion, I've never dealt with wiring before and the idea of screwing up and waking up to a fire in the van has me double stressed.
I just ran across this on another forum:
"Also, when choosing a fuse, remember that in a DC circuit, using a fuse too close to the expected current load will in effect create a bottleneck in the current (resistance point), which can stress the electrical system, possibly leading to damage to the battery or other sensitive components. "
This goes against other things I've read which seem to suggest that your wiring should be as short as possible. Or am I not reading this correctly?
I know I'm probably getting annoying, but I guess you can disregard all of this. I just found a really good car stereo install place with good rates near me and I think I'm just going to go to them. The guy sound like he knows what he's doing and will be able to do it pretty cheaply.
Although I'd really like to learn how to do this myself, it's quite cold here in Milwaukee and without a heated garage I can just see a whole world of pain coming if I try to do it myself. I'll probably be asking for some tips on maintenance, etc in the near future. Thanks everyone, you've been great.