Christmas Eve Gathering - Ehrenberg Mesa

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Hello...we are Kelly and Lisa. Parked not far from Bob in Ehrenberg in the tan Class C RV with the blue car. We would like to attend the Christmas Eve get together. We are newbies here and don't know many yet. I'm not sure where exactly the gathering will be but we would like to come. I'm not sure what we will bring but I can bring paper bowls if need be. Thanks.
Blythe Airport has gotten 1.37 inches in the last 24 hours. that's the closest station to Erenberg. highdesertranger
Change of days. Looks like we are planning this for Christmas Day instead of Christmas Eve. Which would be Sunday. Weather looks much better for Christmas Day. I spoke with Jellybean today.
Bonanza Jellybean said:
Christmas Eve Gathering:

Bring a log to throw on the fire, or food to share and something to put on the grill.

Time: 2pm
Date: Christmas Eve
Location: On the Mesa above Ehrenberg 

*Somewhere near 900 Watt Randy by the edge of the Mesa looking south.

Hope to see you all there.

 - Erin

*As it get's closer to the day, I'll post if we will be able to have a small fire or if it's a no burn day we'll just gather and enjoy the view.

Wondering is we should move this to Christmas day instead, looks like the weather will be better.

Of course... we can gather on both days too.


Also...Does anyone have a grill that will fit over a campfire? Or do you know where I can pick one up nearby?

 - Erin
kellygirl57 said:
Hello...we are Kelly and Lisa. Parked not far from Bob in Ehrenberg in the tan Class C RV with the blue car. We would like to attend the Christmas Eve get together. We are newbies here and don't know many yet. I'm not sure where exactly the gathering will be but we would like to come. I'm not sure what we will bring but I can bring paper bowls if need be. Thanks.


Depending on the weather we may move the gathering to 2p Christmas day.

We're planning on having a campfire and potluck between where Bob is parked and where I am parked (Gray Tundra pickup and small white truck camper). This is generally where we have been gathering before our evening walks, there is a nice open space, not may plants and fairly dry.

Feel free to message me directly if you need clearer directions.

 - Erin
Bonanza Jellybean said:

Depending on the weather we may move the gathering to 2p Christmas day.

We're planning on having a campfire and potluck between where Bob is parked and where I am parked (Gray Tundra pickup and small white truck camper). This is generally where we have been gathering before our evening walks, there is a nice open space, not may plants and fairly dry.

Feel free to message me directly if you need clearer directions.

 - Erin

Thanks Erin. If you come to the "Coffee and Conversation" at our rig tomorrow morning at 10 we can chat more about it. Moving it to Sunday(Xmas) is fine with me. :)
I think I'm actually close to you guys after all. Are you just to the east of the rv with the trailer?

Think I saw a group of people walking from there at 5 a few days afk
Yes just east of the white class a with cargo trailer. But also north one wash over. Gray Toyota truck camper, Chevy express, I am in the red conversion van with a small home built trailer white with a red arrow. And a road trek parked near me.
What's the plan regarding Christmas Eve and Christmas Day now?
When you specify the time, please include the time zone. Arizona uses MST all year, and California PST this time of year. So Blythe is 1 hour earlier than Ehrenburg. Pretty much everybody in Winterhaven uses MST, since it is just across the river from Yuma.
Oopslala said:
I think I'm actually close to you guys after all.  Are you just to the east of the rv with the trailer?

Think I saw a group of people walking from there at 5 a few days afk

Hi Oopslala,

Did you find the group? We're spread out.

Coffee at 10a every morning it's not raining at the new brown class C rig near Bob.

Walk every evening 5p, we usually gather near my truck camper somewhat near Bob.

 - Erin
Hi Everyone,

Here's the plan and location info for the Holiday get together on the Ehrenberg Mesa:

Christmas Eve - Campfire Gathering:
Time: After the rain and wind clears in the later afternoon/early evening there will be a campfire gathering. 
Pie and Beverages: I'll make hot apple cider and hot chocolate I also have pumpkin and pecan pies, whipped cream and spiced rum for those that like a   spiked cider.

Christmas Day - Potluck and Campfire Gathering:
Time: 2p Arizona time
Potluck: If you can bring something, great, if not come anyway.
I'm making a campfire and grilling a bunch of veggie and shrimp kabobs, baked beans, rolls and hot drinks.
I also have a lot of paper goods (except paper bowls) we should be good on plates, cups, napkins and plastic wear - but if you have extra bring it.

Ehrenberg Mesa near my truck camper
There is plenty of room to park if you drive over.
I'll mark the dirt road with red streamers at the cutoff.

*Please PM me if you have any questions or need better direction.

See you there!


 - Erin
Thank you, Erin for organizing this! 

I will be by and will bring some wood. I'm not sure what else I'm bringing, but I'll be at the store tomorrow and will think of something.

Thank you everyone for coming to the Coffee and Conversation this morn. If it is raining tomorrow at 10 we will not be having the coffee.
If it's not raining...then please come. If you show up and aren't sure you are always welcome here for a cuppa!
For the Christmas Eve fire gathering I'm not sure what I will bring. I can bring some paper bowls on Christmas day and will also be bringing a small ham and a slaw salad.
Let me know if you need anything else.
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