Don't really understand the question.
If the sun is shining on the solar panels, and the panels are producing a higher voltage than the battery voltage, then they will be charging the battery.
If you are also trying to run something electrical at the same time, then it will all depend on the amps involved.
If the panels are producing X amps, and the load is trying to draw Y amps, then:
if X is greater than Y, the battery will be charged by the difference between X and Y.
Example: If X is 12 amps and Y is 10 amps, the solar panels will power the load and the battery will get 2 amps of charging current.
If Y is greater than X, the panels will be unable to power the load on their own, and the battery will make up the difference. The battery will be discharged by Y minus X.
Example: If X is 12 amps and Y is 14 amps, The solar panels will send ALL of their power to the load, and the battery will make up the 2 amp difference.