Do many of you have CB radios in your rig? I used to have a base station when I was a kid and it was fun to talk to all the people around town that had one as well. It was also handy to check in with your buddies in their trucks as no one had cell phones then. I doubt much if many people use them for serious communication anymore just to pass the time on the road for the most part these days I guess.
Which brings me to my second point. I have an amateur radio license but I've only ever made one QSO (contact) in the few years I've had it. I also only have a 5 watt handy talkie. I have tried to make a QSO with the international space station using a yagi antenna when they happen to pass over but with no success. I've seen people do so with a similar setup and a 10 watt HT. But I digress. I can pick up repeaters about 60+ miles from me with my small HT so if I were to come to the 2020 RTR is there a repeater near quartzite? Do you guys have a mobile repeater? I have wanted to build a full duplex repeater for years that ran on solar but I doubt I'd get the grant for a call sign on one in my area as there are quite a few around as it is.
Which brings me to my second point. I have an amateur radio license but I've only ever made one QSO (contact) in the few years I've had it. I also only have a 5 watt handy talkie. I have tried to make a QSO with the international space station using a yagi antenna when they happen to pass over but with no success. I've seen people do so with a similar setup and a 10 watt HT. But I digress. I can pick up repeaters about 60+ miles from me with my small HT so if I were to come to the 2020 RTR is there a repeater near quartzite? Do you guys have a mobile repeater? I have wanted to build a full duplex repeater for years that ran on solar but I doubt I'd get the grant for a call sign on one in my area as there are quite a few around as it is.