Carseats and Child Safety and Rv's Van Conversions

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Jul 29, 2016
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Okay so I been looking into Rv life for awhile, I always just assumed I need to make sure it has an extra passenger seat for car seat... Then last night I finally started looking into that aspect of it only to find website after website talking about the lack of safety testing and regulations period not to mention no regulations or testings for car seats, not only do they not require LATCH but the seat belts are just bolted into the wood. THEN I watched these safety crash test videos and saw how everything inside literally comes apart. wood flying and bodies too. There is nothing safe about being in an RV in an accident. So I thought maybe Van RV would be different but NOPE they are not. So while I was felling quite bummed because my dream to hit the road is not more important than the safety of my young one I was starting to give up.

Then I thought what is it wasn't a commercially made Van RV and it was a Van converted to an RV and kept the seats behind the front cockpit seats. Then they would be under safety regulations and may have LATCH. While the LATCH system is the safest way I would still go for no LATCH if they were real seat belts with safety regulations and not just bolted down to a piece of wood. Searching around I dont really see anyone who has done that but I just started searching. I was thinking I cannot be the only one who has thought of this or trying to find a safe way to Rv with a child safely.  So hoping for someone who has managed it or has advice,

On another note, I do not like the idea of everything coming apart if in a wreck. I am not builder or anything so my ideas are just some fantasy ideas I am wondering about. But could it be possible to weld things in. metal framing for the cabinets or something. Not just wood and nails ready to break free and smash into someone. Or even on another note, some how a metal gate or something behind her seat blocking anything from the bag to fly forward in the event of a crash. I know how silly that sounds but I am just trying to be creative here lol 

Any advice about my ideas or any new ideas would be great. I would love to find something already made but unless there is other parents out there who have done this and selling the safely converted Rv Vans then it may be hard to buy what I want unless I have missed something.

To note I am looking for cheaper options, so If they happened to have made something new like this that costs a lot it isn't much of an option. 

As far as DIY Conversions, how difficult is this kind of thing and skill sets needed. I am handy but not really set with the skills. But haven't done lots of stuff thanks to YouTube lol
What I want is the full deal, bed, bathroom, possible poptop or just raised top (seen you can have them put on vans) 

Thanks for any help or advice you can give,
have you thought of a trailer. the tow vehicle meets all your requirements and the flying stuff would be contained in the trailer. plus when you set up camp you have the tow vehicle for excursions. highdesertranger
Wow growfreedom22, thanks for your post. I hadn't thought about the safety aspect in an RV. Your post really has me narrowing down our own options. Cheers.
highdesertranger said:
have you thought of a trailer.  the tow vehicle meets all your requirements and the flying stuff would be contained in the trailer.  plus when you set up camp you have the tow vehicle for excursions.  highdesertranger

yes I have but I don't have a truck so that would mean buying a truck and a trailer. Not to mention I have never towed a trailer before LOL
eoewan said:
Wow growfreedom22, thanks for your post. I hadn't thought about the safety aspect in an RV. Your post really has me narrowing down our own options. Cheers.

I know right. I never even thought it would be as sad as it is. Seriously go do a little search on RV's and safety as well as carseats and child safety in RV's. Watch some of the videos, it is bizarr to watch. I hope you find some options as do I.
I was a certified child passenger safety seat inspector as part of my job a few years ago. I'm so glad to hear you are thinking along the lines of safety for the child seats. In a common vehicle, the center back seat is the safest position (rear facing as long as safety seat limits allow). Now some may say that a school bus doesn't typically have safety belts (even though I think they should) but his due to compartmentalization between the seats (in event of crash the occupants are "closed in" by the seat in front and behind them. far as an RV. I have never researched them. It never came up. I performed safety seat checks and never had that come up. I, personally, do not see how they could be extremely safe. I could be wrong. But if it was me and my baby, I would want the most protection possible which is a certified safety seat in the center position (rear facing if the label on the safety seat) in the back seat.
Again...thank you for bringing this up. It is an important issue to consider. You've definitely given me some research ideas.

Happy and Safe Travels!
I have a couple of questions, and a suggestion.

Is it you and a small child that will be traveling?

From your OP, it sounds like you will be purchasing a vehicle for travel. Is that correct?

If towing a travel trailer doesn't sound like a good solution, another suggestion is a truck with a slide-in camper. Sometimes you can purchase them as a package on craigslist or from dealerships. Trucks with crew cabs have full-size back seats for your kiddo's safety, separated from the camper's flying debris should you get into an accident.

Hope that helps as something else to consider.
Suanne said:
I have a couple of questions, and a suggestion.

Is it you and a small child that will be traveling?

From your OP, it sounds like you will be purchasing a vehicle for travel.  Is that correct?

If towing a travel trailer doesn't sound like a good solution, another suggestion is a truck with a slide-in camper.  Sometimes you can purchase them as a package on craigslist or from dealerships.  Trucks with crew cabs have full-size back seats for your kiddo's safety, separated from the camper's flying debris should you get into an accident.

Hope that helps as something else to consider.

Not being argumentative but there is a reason truckers have a "headache rack" when pulling trailers. Even pulling, you need something to block.  With a slide-in you are only adding weight and debirs in the event of a collision.
lisamac said:
... truckers have a "headache rack" when pulling trailers. Even pulling, you need something to block.  With a slide-in you are only adding weight and debirs in the event of a collision.

Very good points.  Thanks
You could always use the welded in screen meshes that many contractors use and separate the living area from the travel area. But there are so many things that are going to become flying debris in a crash you would have to keep you and your children in a sterile environment to avoid all risks of debris.

A Game Boy (remember them?) broke my youngest sons wrist in a crash while riding with his mother. There is cargo netting available at low cost at Harbor Freight that would help but I don't think you can be 100% safe no matter how hard you try.

Any of the appliances or cabinets hit hard enough are going to become missiles. Just be as safe as you can and don't stress over it.
I'm convinced the chances of a slide-in camper coming through the cab of a pickup to harm you are zero. And if the accident was that bad, you aren't surviving anyway--you're talking about being hit by a train or some other horrific event.

Many SUVs can tow the light fiberglass trailers very easily and you probably can learn to tow it. I have a friend who tows a Scamp with a Subaru Forester and it has one of the highest safety ratings available.
very dramatic crash tests. only because of the second one I doubt their results. in the second crash the trailer decoupled way to easy almost like it wasn't locked. in fact I am pretty sure it wasn't locked on. any of my trailers never would have uncoupled like that. might have bent the hell out of the tongue but not uncoupled. take everything with a grain of salt. don't blindly believe anything. highdesertranger
highdesertranger said:
very dramatic crash tests.  only because of the second one I doubt their results.  in the second crash the trailer decoupled way to easy almost like it wasn't locked.  in fact I am pretty sure it wasn't locked on.  any of my trailers never would have uncoupled like that.  might have bent the hell out of the tongue but not uncoupled.  take everything with a grain of salt.  don't blindly believe anything.  highdesertranger

ok. bet your kid's lives on that (referring back to the orig post). blindly???? research it. do you see those babies buckled in their seats getting ready for their "ride". I was just trying to tell the orig. post to take care of her babies.
that's good. all I was saying is don't believe everything you see on the internet. that second test was rigged imo, which makes me disbelieve the first test. just saying. highdesertranger
highdesertranger said:
that's good.  all I was saying is don't believe everything you see on the internet.  that second test was rigged imo,  which makes me disbelieve the first test.  just saying.  highdesertranger

So true. The internet can sensationalize things but I've seen more "real" life than you know. I was trying get them to realize the safety issues with their babies. People are wanting to give their  opinions without ever seeing the real results. I appreciate everyone's opinion but all I'm saying is educate yourself.
I very much appreciate your concern, but if nothing is safe, maybe we should all just stay home in our houses under a doorway.

Due diligence is very important, but so is accepting a reasonable level of risk in our lives. Hooking up a trailer or putting a camper in a pickup bed is not a death sentence. But, staying home trembling in fear is.
Nothing is absolutely safe, but maybe a driving tank would help.

If a vehicle is hit by a train, a loaded semi, or a teenager driving 140 mph and running a red light with an older Suburban, the odds of survival are not good for anyone on board. And if the driver hits a concrete barricade inside the gore, or a bridge support, the same reality applies.

Up to half the children killed in car accidents weren't even restrained. About a fifth of them were being driven by someone who had been drinking. Then factor in the drivers who normally drive like idiots (speeding, road rage), and those on their cell phones.

Start the fixes with the people who cause the accidents.
thanks and sorry I never replied. Apparently I only got one email notification.
As for everything I just read I feel bad for people.
The tests I watched were legit and not the same as those posted. Not only that my mom made motor homes for 30 years and agreed that the seats are bolted to wood as well as the seat belts. So when the wood and bolt come apart guess what baby flying. And other wood flying. That is not okay with me. It has nothing to do with fear it's just I make sacrifixes where it's best and this is not an okay sacrifice. 
I also have family who is a Highway patrol and they are the ones who see what really happens. And I won't even go into the horror stories I've been hearing since starting down this journey.
It's simple children shouldn't be on motorhomes.
I definitely am not putting a camper on a truck. If I buy a truck I don't want a camper on it. More personal preference than anything. 
Since I really want to do my travels. I've decided to wait and get a truck and travel trailer and hopefully find something easy to drive and do some practice before we leave.
As for the questions yes it would be just me and my daughter. And also I'm very aware of having items in my car can be flying debris and I packon trips with this in mind. And try to avoid having items in the vehicle because of this. 
Thanks for your inputs. And please do more research before you risk your babies lives they are irreplaceable.