Today I got good news and bad about my travel trailer. Made an appointment to get the WDH installed at U-Haul, but realized my battery was dead from me never putting water in it. I needed the battery for the power jack. Actually, I did put water in it once I learned that I was supposed to. It took half a gallon of distilled water, so I'm guessing it had no water.
So I rescheduled the hitch install for later in the afternoon and bought a battery at an RV Repair Shop. It is an Interstate Deep Cycle... it's all they carried. Went home and put the battery on, then towed the trailer 9 miles across town to the U-Haul place (at 20MPH the whole way).
I felt like it was a disaster of sorts. No WDH, and the tongue drooped ... as well as the rear end of my truck. The truck jerked regularly all the way. And I thought for sure my transmission was gonna die on a couple hills.
Left U-Haul for a few hours and returned to see my truck and trailer perfectly level. He installed the WDH, the anti-sway bar and an anti-rattle thing. He even took it for a test drive and checked the brake controller.
A few things concern me now.
1) I think my truck is too old for what it is towing. I can really feel that trailer... never felt any weight in that truck ever. Not even with a truck camper. But this trailer is heavy... and might be overweight
2) at the RV Repair shop they asked me if my bearings were greased and packed. I told her I didn't know and she said they could do it... in a month. For $500. Yikes. Is that an average price?
3) I found several scales in town, but want to go to the CAT scale 11 miles from my home. It is at a truck stop. Here: I need to see how much they charge.
The scale will only give me the total weight of the truck, tongue and camper, right? So I won't know if my truck is overloaded or my trailer? or both? I feel like I shouldn't leave not knowing if I am overweight.
4) One scary thing happened. Going down a steep hill, I applied the brakes often, but there was a light at the bottom and the truck had trouble stopping in time. The brakes felt like mush.