Camping at Quartzite

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Well-known member
Sep 21, 2020
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What is like Camping at Quartzite?

I have a Class C and next spring I plan to sell out and hit the road full-time. 

Is it OK to set up a couple of small outdoor tables for cooking?

Is it OK to do your laundry outside and hang it on a rack?

I will have many more questions.
What my plan is, I have 400 watts of solar, and 300 aHs of Battleborn Batteries. I use a Treager portable pellet smoker to cook most things. I plug it into a 500 watt inverter. I also have a small 2 quart Crookpot (120 volt that runs off the inverter) for doing things like Chile.

I also plan to buy a small 12v freezer to store more food in.

I can also cook on Charcoal, wood, or Coleman stove, so I think I have the cooking part worked out.

Another question, What about dumping wash water on the ground, I'm talking about dish water, and water from a small washing machine?
In general, an elaborate camping setup, including large tents, multiple tables and canopies, and barbecues, is OK. Just don't encroach on someone else's spot. There are no marked campsites.

If you are in a vehicle with tanks, such as a class C, you are expected to use your black and grey water tanks for waste water. They will kick you out (with no refund) if they catch you not using them. (Also, ewwww. At its height, there are thousands of people in the LTVAs. No one wants to experience your dirty water.) That's why they provide dump stations.

People who don't have vehicles with tanks can camp at an LTVA, but they have to be within so many feet of a vault toilet, and they can't dump their gray water on the ground either.
Next spring it will be heating up in you are probably a year away now, from camping in Quartzsite if you cant get out there this season.

You can stay at private campgrounds, or camp in 2 week increments on BLM land, or for a fee, you can stay in the LTVAs for months on end. Yes you can set up tables and chairs and cookstoves and grills. Awnings and canopies also.

NO on tossing the grey water...if the rangers see a puddle of soapy water near your rig, you gonna have some 'splainin to do'.

A few cupfuls used for washing dishes, or a gallon used for washing a dog or a bicycle, etc, will probably not get noticed as it will soak into the desert floor...but 20 gallons of soapy water puddling up near your rig and running into the nearest low spot....ummm....thats a BIG NO.
I will pulling a car behind me, so I could always up drop the water into a 5 gallon jug and dump it in at a dump site.

When I get setup I don't like to move until its time.

My grey tank is 28 gal and my black tank is 22 gallon.
I have a small trailer that has 2-55 gallon drums mounted on it. One with a macerator for black/grey water and one with a sureflow potable water pump with a blue filter for potable water. I believe in Quartzsite it is $10 or $15 to dump and fill. I got the idea for my trailer when I visited there as I believe someone had a business doing just that. You might ask around and see if they still do. It is much easier than breaking down and setting up camp every time.
Another question.

Do you any restrictions on generators?

There may be times were I need to run it.
No restrictions on generators, but the quieter, the better. You will make some quick enemies if you run a genset for very long in quiet times, it's just not socially responsible, and would cost alot of fuel to boot. The idea is to charge batteries, and use those throughout the day/night, only starting up the generator during the afternoon for charging purposes.
About the only time I would to run it, would to use the Microwave or possibly the AC.
Hello Everyone,
I am planning on heading that way from central Florida soon. 
Can anyone tell me the average Hi/Low temps in the Quartzsite area for December, Jan, and Feb
We ran a southern route from Houston Texas I believe in December and got in light snow and frost coming through New Mexico. It got much warmer once we got past Tucson Arizona but no where near as humid and therefore warm as Orlando at 70 degrees. Bring warm clothing as days can be nice but nights get cold.
I'm glad you asked about grey water. We don't have giant tanks and have seen some videos of people in the desert setting up evaporating systems to deal with it. I was planning on using a lid from a black crate to pour the grey water in so it evaporates in the sun during the day.

Has anyone had any success with anything similar?
Another question about Quartzite.

What is there to do there during the winter months?

Do you just sit around and look at each other?

Is there some 'community' events to keep you entertained?

Maybe a big campfire and cookout or something?
actually there is quite a lot to do. there is all kinds of clubs with there related activities, plus there is also non club activities. hiking, bird/wildlife watching, stargazing, etc. basically what do you like to do?

now in the times of Covid I am not sure about group activities. we will have to wait and see.

I have used one of the smaller cheap blue tarps to evaporate water. Fold it in at the edges to hold the water and lots of rocks just in case the wind comes up. I just sweep it off and fold it into itself when done. Every so often when I get one free from Harbor Freight I replace it.
highdesertranger said:
actually there is quite a lot to do.  there is all kinds of clubs with there related activities,  plus there is also non club activities.  hiking,  bird/wildlife watching,  stargazing,  etc.  basically what do you like to do?

now in the times of Covid I am not sure about group activities.  we will have to wait and see.


Star gazing sounds like a winner to me, I used to do that all the time. I could even bring the telescope.

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