Campbell’s split pea soup

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Well-known member
Mar 29, 2018
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Back to school and all kinds of things go on sale.
Amazon has Campbell’s Split Pea with Ham and Bacon, 12 cans for $12. Less if you do the Subscription. 

When I looked at it there was also a green coupon banner for 25% off. I didn’t do the subscription but got the 12 cans for $9.00

Yes it has lots of sodium but could be useful if you have room. The link
sometimes Amazon has some real good deals on food items. split pea soup is real easy to make from scratch. cheap too. highdesertranger
I did this one first then someone suggested an inexpensive Amazon food thread so I made that and repeated this sale. If I knew how to delete this I would

Hope you put the veggie veggie link in the Amazon thread. Most important there
I was the one who asked Firtree for the dedicated thread - thanks! :)

How about we repurpose/expand this thread for/to all things Split Pea Soup related?!?
highdesertranger said:
split pea soup is real easy to make from scratch. cheap too.
Recipe(s) please. :)
I just get one of those packages of dried split peas from the store and throw whatever I have into it. some of the things that I like are onions, carrots, celery, green onions, potatoes. garlic(garlic goes in everything), almost any type of vegetable goes good with it. almost any meat is good in it bacon and/or ham is old standbys. remember both ham and bacon are high in sodium so don't add salt but pepper is a must. I also like a pinch or 2 of Barley. Barley is right next to the split peas. both of those are dried and don't require refrigeration, you can also make small portions. highdesertranger
Thanks HDR!
I had ass-umed there'd have to be some sort of thickener thingie to produce that interesting texture.
Is it the peas themselves that produce it?

I'm going to try that this week.
Bought some split peas a month ago, after seeing a Thermos recipe for split pea soup, and have been too busy, but should have some time this week.
I plan to make it with a SPAM Single, and some freeze dried veggies. :)
There might be porn. ;)
yes adjust the thickness with the amount of water. peas are not like beans and the reconstitute fast and easy. like barley. go with less water at first then you could always add more depending on your preference. if you save it the next day you will need to add more water. highdesertranger
"save it the next day"?!?
Do you mean I could safely make enough for 2+ meals, and leave the rest overnight in the Thermos?
If so, should I skip the SPAM, or is it salty enough to self-preserve? :)
Reminder: I'm fridge-free & microwave-free. :)

I'll probably start this first thing in the morning when some extra heat is welcome (the weather up here finally got chilly at night, and ok during the day), have it as the main part of my lunch, and if I make too much I'll have the rest for dinner, possibly warmed up a bit.
if you put it in the thermos when it's boiling hot and then boil it again before eating the next day I wouldn't have a problem with that. but everybody has to take responsibility for themselves. the thermos must be clean, you can't introduce any nasty's into the process. I do this all the time with meals that are boilable like soups and stews. highdesertranger
highdesertranger said:
  peas are not like beans and the reconstitute fast and easy. 
"fast and easy ...". Huh. 

Well, my experiment with reconstituting dried split peas was a total disaster. On the stove at home. First I boiled them for 10-minutes, then it took another HOUR of cooking before they were even close to the non-hard stage. The package says no need to soak, and simmer gently for 20-30 minutes. Not hardly.

So not going to use my Coleman propane stove for this in the outback. Maybe, boil for 15-minutes, then let sit for 3 hours, then re-cook. Probably not, as dozens of other foods don't require so much propane.

EDIT: now my stomach hurts due to undercooked split peas, too. It's always something, LOL.
Thanks for sharing Qxxx! I also had a very "meh" experience, using Thermos cooking.
Now I don't feel so sheepish. :)

I boiled water in my kettle, used some to pre warm my Thermos, and some to "start" a cup-o-noodles (since the plan was to let the Thermos do the cooking for a few hours).
I rinsed the split peas, moved them to a pot, added spices & dehydrated veggies & bacon bits, then the still very hot water from my Thermos, re-boiled then cooked for about 5-ish minutes, and transferred everything to the Thermos.
First problem: messy!!!
Spilled some. :(
It took longer than "normal" to get everything into the thermos, so probably more heat escaped than ideal.

I left it to cook itself for about 7 hours (original plan was 4 hours, but I was Coding & kinda lost track of time).
Only shook it a couple of times (cuz Brain was elsewhere).
Opened it, expecting it to be more than ready, but the peas were, um, "al dente".
It did smell good, and they were just barely soft enough that I decided to eat it (was hungry by then).
It was ok, and had no gastro issues.

For a first attempt, it was "adequate", and frugal.
I still have plenty of peas, so will try again, but next time I might try preheating the thermos with just a bit of water, then add all the dry stuff separately to the thermos, bring the rest of the water back to a boil, and add all the water in one fast move.
I'll skip the cooking-on-campstove step.

Suggestions welcome, from experienced split pea soup folks. :)
something not right. Peas usually reconstitute fast. what elevation are you at?

doesn't it say on the instructions, "simmer for 20-30 minutes OR until desired tenderness is reached"

what was the date on those peas. I know old dried peas and beans take forever to reconstitute. some times days.

I usually simmer for an hour because it takes barley about 45 minutes and I always have a little barley in there.

sorry to hear you had bad luck. I would try again with know good ones.

highdesertranger said:
something not right.  Peas usually reconstitute fast. 
I just bought the peas at Walmart, good till 1 year down the road, obviously secondary quality. Doesn't say "until tender", but that is obvious as I kept cooking and cooking and cooking. Plus now I have 2 big messes, the pot and the plate to clean. 

So all in all, not anything I'll try when on the road using propane. I have a dozen other much easier to prep foods. Even mac'n'cheese is a good deal easier. OTOH, I'm not discounting using some of the pre-cooked and canned Campbells soup.
HDR: my bag has one of those obfuscated dates, but it appears to be bb Feb-2020.
Could you post a picture of what your soup really looks like?

I suspect part of the problem is expectations. :)

Qxxx, by any chance was this your very first attempt?
It was mine.
I had expected it would look like the soup that comes in a can.
I suspect that's "not normal". :)

In my case, a big factor was Operator Error.
Next time, my expectations will be lower, and I'll try a different approach that is probably more suited to my klutziness. :)

Qxxx, kudos to you for experimenting while at s&b! More people should do that. :)
It was my first (and last) attempt, but seems to me that boiling for 15 minutes and cooking for another hour is a pretty simple algorithm. It's possible that soaking overnight would help, but as I mentioned, I have a dozen other foods that are easier to cook, and next to zero cleanup mess afterwards. After 6 months total traveling in my van, I've developed a pretty efficient cooking style. One pot used only for boiling water, and a non-stick frying pan for the cooking bit. But then, I'm no cajun cook either.
Kaylee since for me soup season is still over a month away I will try to remember next time I cook it.

Q you do realize that simmer is a slow boil right?

I have never had a problem with peas not reconstituting right. beans yes peas no.


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