butterfy"s 07 chevy express van

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Well-known member
Jan 16, 2011
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<P>&nbsp;<FONT size=4 face="Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Excited to report hubby is on board w/ idea of vandwelling. I put my Honda Rebel as down payment on an 07&nbsp;Chevy Express van today. Drives like a dream. Lotsa un-tinted windows.&nbsp; How exactly do you fasten curtins up or attach&nbsp;tracts for reflectix?&nbsp; The&nbsp;interior is the hard molded plastic. Liquid nails? some kind of screws? Can't sleep for thinking.&nbsp; Other than local practice runs, our first big trip is going to be Quartzsite AZ Feb 2012.&nbsp; Hubby wants a metal dectector, I want a Sun Oven...o so many things to think about.&nbsp; By the way this site is incredible!&nbsp;informative and encouraging.&nbsp;</FONT></P>
Three ways to attach reflectix:<br><br>1) Simple pressure. This works better than you would think. You just push it in and it conforms to the window. You have to be able to put something in front of it to support it, but it doesn't have to be much. <br>2) Velcro: it depends on your van&nbsp; it might just stick to the headliner material. If not you can glue it or use the sticky back on it.<br>3) Magnets. Katie can tell you more but basically i think she used glue to attach the magnets to the window, and duct tapes washers to the reflectix so it sticks to the magnets. I think she used rare earth magnets(?) that are extra strong.<br>Bob<br><br>
Bob, thanks for the terriffic reflectix info...think I'll go w/ the press in place option, see how that works &amp; move on to a plan B if necess. </FONT><br><FONT size=3>Just went out in the cold n damp &amp; discovered I can fit the width of my finger into a "slot" all around every window of the van except for the 2 back doors and one side door.&nbsp; and those have 1/2 a finger width of space.&nbsp;&nbsp; yippee-skip!<IMG border=0 align=absMiddle src="https://vanlivingforum.com/images/boards/smilies/wave.gif"></FONT><br><FONT size=3></FONT>&nbsp;<br><FONT size=3></FONT>&nbsp;<br><FONT size=3></FONT>&nbsp;<br>
<P><FONT size=3>Use velcro. A word of caution, though: put the soft half of the velcro on the van itself. Not the 'hook' half. Trust me on this.</FONT></P>
<P>seraphim...thanks so much for that bit of advice!&nbsp;&nbsp;glad that I've not done anything w/ velcro yet.</P>
<P><FONT size=3>Pictures!&nbsp; I need pictures!&nbsp; I love before and after!</FONT></P>
cyndi, sorry to say my&nbsp;camera and photog. abilities have not advanced into the 21st century&nbsp;,..<br><br>altho I can't post anything, I'll take pics as I go.&nbsp; My ultimate goal&nbsp; is to be at the next RTR .&nbsp; Possibly see you there?? &nbsp;Hubby has extended our plans to include Jan and Feb in the Q. area.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; W/&nbsp;todays arrival of toilet seat for my 5 gal bucket,&nbsp;I feel like I can seriously begin loading the van as if I'm leaving and see how it all fits for a trial weekend.<br><br>A 5 day cooler, large water jug, coleman propane camp stove, dried food, lightweight folding table, 13' x 9' screen house, metal detector, weather radio &amp;&nbsp;shovel are things that will need to find space in the van in addition to clothing &amp; an as-yet-to-be-determined way to bathe/shower...and my recliner!&nbsp;&nbsp; I've slept in a recliner for a couple yrs and do not see getting&nbsp;quality sleep w/o it.&nbsp; Bill is confident that he can sleep well in the passenger seat....so no bed to build.<br><br>The Express is also my transportation to part time job.&nbsp; I leave reflectix on the long side windows all the time.&nbsp; I have&nbsp;removable pieces for the rear doors but not the side doors yet.&nbsp; Because the van is gray and there is some tint to the windows already, the reflectix looks kinda cool...as if it's a fashion statment <IMG border=0 align=absMiddle src="https://vanlivingforum.com/images/boards/smilies/thumb.gif">...rather than for stealthy camping.&nbsp; <br><br>I've spent one cold night in the van parked&nbsp;on a&nbsp;slightly sloping&nbsp;driveway at my sisters in KY....&nbsp; a rough night but after 3 hrs of thrashing around in search of a comfortable&nbsp;spot,&nbsp;I did sleep aprox 6 hrs.&nbsp;&nbsp; found out that the comfy-to-sit-in lounge chair is NOT comfy to sleep in.&nbsp; <br><br>Therefore my ''build''&nbsp;begins w/&nbsp;my recliner.<br>

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