Bucket type toilet questions / recommendations

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Well-known member
Sep 8, 2012
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I'm thinking of trying the bucket type of toilet, since I don't like to dump porta potty type toilets.<br><br>#1: &nbsp;Any recommendations on what bucket to use?<br><br>#2: &nbsp;How can I make sure that it will be sealed securely?<br><br>#3: How can I make sure that the bucket won't tip over during driving?<br><br>#4: &nbsp;What can I use to make a decent cushion for the bucket<br><br>I already know about using newspaper and kitty litter deodorizer, as well as using multiple bags. &nbsp;I'd like something that I could use multiple times and then throw away in a trash as if it were any other trash that i'd be throwing away.
I don't know were you are at but around here throwing human waste or pet waste in the trash is illegal.&nbsp; if you don't like rv dumps think of the poor guy at the transfer station separating recyclables&nbsp;and finds your hidden treasure.&nbsp; around here everything goes though a transfer station were the trash is separated buy type.&nbsp; highdesertranger
What about baby and adult diapers?&nbsp; How does he handle that?<br><br>I bought a luggable loo and it snaps on very securely...maybe a little too secure as its a bear to get off.&nbsp; Im using a 5 gallon from loews for 3 bucks, but i think they have taller buckets with same size opening.&nbsp;
throwing human waste or pet waste in the trash is illegal
<br><br>In the city people are expected to pick up their pet waste. Some parks even provide little bags for that purpose to help encourage you to not leave it on the ground.<br><br>highdesertranger, What do they do in your area with pet waste?<br><br>
I don't know were you are at but around here throwing human waste or pet waste in the trash is illegal.&nbsp; if you don't like rv dumps think of the poor guy at the transfer station separating recyclables&nbsp;and finds your hidden treasure.&nbsp; around here everything goes though a transfer station were the trash is separated buy type.&nbsp; highdesertranger
<br><br>If that was so then throwing away diapers would be illegal.
really don't know what they expect you to do with it.&nbsp; hey this is kalifornia land of silly laws.&nbsp; I do know this, &nbsp;it states right on my trash cans no pet waste.&nbsp; at the transfer stations if you read the regs it states no human or pet waste.&nbsp; on top of that no liquids or anything wet.&nbsp; hey I didn't make the laws I was just pointing them out and everybody doesn't follow these laws but it gives them another excuse to hassel you, &nbsp;fine you,&nbsp; or whatever.&nbsp; &nbsp; as for the transfer station workers if it was you, &nbsp;would you want to find human waste on top of that aluminum can.&nbsp; highdesertranger
Well they are getting a lot of that from people who just toss their dirty diapers in with everything else at least in this situation its all in one bag, and my best friend has an infant and lives in so Cal and I am willing to bet she tosses her stinky diapers in the garbage just like everybody else and its perfectly legal
<span style="white-space: nowrap;">citytravelfotos:<br></span><span style="line-height: 13.333333015441895px;"><br>#1: &nbsp;Any recommendations on what bucket to use?</span><br style="line-height: 13.333333015441895px;"><span style="font-size: 13px;"><br>Low enough to squat over, large enough to hold the deposit.&nbsp;</span>Sealable lid is handy, but optional. &nbsp;<br><br style="line-height: 13.333333015441895px;"><span style="line-height: 13.333333015441895px;">#2: &nbsp;How can I make sure that it will be sealed securely?<br><br></span>Test with water in the bucket and see if it leaks. &nbsp;<br><br>Sealing isn't really needed though.&nbsp;The bucket just ends up being the container to hold the plastic bags. Soon as you're finished, you bag everything up. &nbsp;Much better to do it then, than leave it until some time later.&nbsp;<br><br>So: bucket. Lined with bags. Deposit. Tie inner bag up. tie outer bag up. Everything sealed inside now; nothing leaks out. &nbsp;Cause if things are leaking out now, taking it anywhere is going to be unpleasant.<br><br style="line-height: 13.333333015441895px;"><span style="line-height: 13.333333015441895px;">#3: How can I make sure that the bucket won't tip over during driving?</span><br style="line-height: 13.333333015441895px;"><br>Wedge it somewhere it won't tip over. &nbsp;Fasten it if needed. &nbsp;If its bagged, nothing should escape, but yeah.. better to not have things moving about unrestrained.&nbsp;<br><br style="line-height: 13.333333015441895px;"><span style="line-height: 13.333333015441895px;">#4: &nbsp;What can I use to make a decent cushion for the bucket<br><br></span>Bucket doesn't need a cushion, it won't feel a thing. &nbsp;Think I'm missing something here...

Get a length of split foam pipe insulation and run it around the rim of the bucket.

Yeah...i don't recommend trying to use it multi times without tossing. i had the fancy bags with the powder to kill odor but it still stinks till you seal it..maybe not the whole van but the bucket certainly
Plastic bags are cheap compared to the result of storing the mess.
I use a luggable loo with garbage bags and cedar chips. I am able to use this several times then into the dumpster it goes. I've not noticed any smell yet.
@cleanheart - is the 'no smell' with several times the case with both urine and feces?
When in doubt, whip it out.&nbsp; I dawn my Wilfred suit and take a walking in the park.&nbsp; It has it's other advantages too.&nbsp; lol&nbsp; This is as primal of an issue as I have ever heard.&nbsp; No wonder we are as a race doomed.
Not liking the idea of dump stations and porto potty and the illegal bag and trash or dig and hide I began to think of a way to get rid of the waste in a natural way.
Mind you it is just an idea at this time as I will call it the (Cow Pie Fix).
In other words why can't we make a devise that dries it out and burn it in a camp fire or even put it in a dehydrator of some sort and even recapture the water out of #1 and 2 through evaporation or something ? After all that is what rain water is,moister from the earth evaporated coming back to us cleaned up distilled.
No one wants to talk about or deal with human waste but it is a part of our life and nothing to be ashamed of or to talk about.

When I go to (mc de) people are wondering why I roll up my paper and stuff and take it home with me to put in my recycle bin instead of putting it in the trash at the restaurant.

Every item in land fills is recyclable (A WASTE) but because it is easy to toss it in the can we choose not to deal with it.

Human waste in some states are now being dried out and made into compostable fertilizer and being sold to farmers.

Look at it this way,Poop is just converted food that looks and smells different after it's been digested.