Bri's Chinookie redux......

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Here are some photos of the new simplified interior. I pulled the old cabinets and built a permanent bunk with storage underneath. Reduced the size of the 'galley'. And now I know I never seem to spend more than a month at a time in it without a break, I carry much less crap. I also eliminated all the 'fantasy' hobby project gear and kept only the metal detecting gear and sketching materials....<br><br><br>
It Looks great, Bri!&nbsp; How soon will you "test" it?<br><br>There are some great storage&nbsp;ideas to use in those pictures!<br><br>Most importantly...does Dina approve?<br>
That is a great conversion.&nbsp; Your use of space and storage is awesome.&nbsp; I am jealous of the head room.&nbsp; That is one of the big advantage of a van.&nbsp; Where is your propane tank?&nbsp; I see the hose.<br>
Hi guys...<br>Drifter: Thanks....<br><br>Cyndi: I was going to test it on a trip to Big Bend, TX area right now but changed mind at last minute...too many other things going on here that I want to be here for.<br>Dina loves anything as long as she gets to go and her bed hasn't changed!<br><br>Dlives: My Chinookie has an extended roof and I would not want anything lower....I have had 4 or 5 vans in the past, all with stock roof and they are awful for me....<br>I have had years of vehicle camping and living experience and pretty much know what it is that i want and yet it still morphs at times depending on specifics of what I am doing in my life...<br>The propane tank is a small disposible 1#er behind the footlocker.<br>Bri<br><br><br>
looks great! i have the same Big Agnes sleeping bag, mine is the +15 deg. i really like the combination of size and being a mummy bag. but if it's gonna be colder than 35-40 deg. i still need to put it inside another bag. i seem to sleep cold, and the only bag i've had that would keep me warm was a 0 deg Marmot. that was a great bag for backpacking, but was so tight, i couldn't put my socks on while inside. i'd actually have to keep myself from panicing if the zipper got stuck, it was so clostrophobic.<br>
Hey mountaintramp.... Thanks,<br>Interesting....I bought that bag very recently because I sometimes use my Hennessey hammock and wanted to have a bag that i could slip a pad into and would keep my underside insulated.<br>Haven't used it for that yet though...still an experiment. <br>I have a Mexican blanket stuffed along the back side of the bunk that I can pull over the BA if I need more insulation.<br>Keep in mind too that after 22 years of Alaskan living I abhor cold so make every effort I can to stay in a warm climate....<br>Smiles,<br>B<br><br>
The rig looks great!&nbsp; I can tell you've given this some thought, and hope you really enjoy the way it has come together.<br><br>I have a reeeealy basic question--one that I've had for a long time:&nbsp; How are the support legs attached to the frame rails?&nbsp; Did you just run screws through the top rail and into the legs?&nbsp; For the life of me, I can't seem to understand how a basic wooden frame is constructed!&nbsp; What keeps it rigid?&nbsp; Are there corner braces inside the frame?&nbsp; (Am I making this too hard?)&nbsp; How is the wall side of the frame attached to the van?&nbsp; Or is there a framing piece on the wall side?&nbsp; Did I say "a" question?&nbsp; Ooops!<br><br>Vickie<br><br><br>
No problem Vickie...good questions. I had a coffee can full of saved corner brackets to use. I don't know how to put an image of one on here but they are steel&nbsp; 2"&nbsp; and 1" corner can google corner brackets and get an image.<br>I used two on each corner leg and three on the middle legs. I used 1" corner brackets on the floor, 2 on each leg and one on the top rear corner to hold the bunk to the side bulkhead.....the forward end of the bunk is about 2" from the bulkhead.....(the bulkhead curves) and it is attached to the bulkhead with a 6" shelf bracket.....that is about as good as I can explain it without drawing a diagram and I have no idea how to do that on a computer....<br>I hope that helps...<br>Bri<br><img src="file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/user/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/moz-screenshot.png" alt=""><br>
Thanks for taking the time and trouble to answer my questions!&nbsp; The information really helps a lot.<br>Vickie<br><br><br>
Hi Vickie....I wish I had the patience to do as others do and take photos as I build something so I could show these types of details....but, guess what? I don't...<img src="" align="absmiddle" border="0">.....I get into a zone and just build it...weird.<br><br>Glad it was some help anyway...<br><br>AstroBri<br><br>
Thanks Mike and be careful of the new coffee delivery systems....<br><br>Bri<br><br>

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