Black Streaks on Renogy Panels

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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2016
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These 100W Renogy panels are a couple of months old. I climbed up to clean them and found that they had changed! There are black streaks across maybe 30% of them.  The Grape Solar panel I have is fine.

Any ideas what is going on?




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Since I can't see it crossing the white grid lines, I think it's fair to say the black is not on the surface..?

Which probably narrows it down to either delamination or adhesive bleed. My guess would tend toward some sorta adhesive bleed...
1) it happens frequently enough with mirror mastic that you don't have to argue with manufacturer, they buy you some very expensive mirrors.
2) the mastic is just mixed wrong and bleeds through the silver mirror backing.
3) sometimes it doesn't happen instantly...assuming heat could be a trigger, it'd fit with the appearance of your streaks after install.
yes, not on the surface...

I wonder if it was the heat in Vegas that caused it - over 110 quite a bit? 

Would these streaks markedly affect the performance of the panels?
I think highly of Renogy in comparison to other solar panel/equipment sources.

It will be revealing to see how they respond to your condition.

Thanks for the heads up; I'm about to purchase 4x100 watt panels and had pretty much decided on Renogy's new Eclipse series.

Keep up posted if you can . . .
I can tell you one thing - they replied quickly. I sent them an email this morning and they replied asking me to send images over which I have. 

I wonder if this is an unusual occurrence? I looked up black streaks on solar panels and expected to get a bunch of responses but didn't find any.

I've only heard good things about Renogy as well.
The only person that I would feel qualified to fully explain the issue in the pics of the Renogy panels in question would be someone that has done quality assurance on tens of thousands of solar panels on a major manufacturing line.

Have you sent the pics to Renogy?

I have seen similar irregular appearance conditions on non A grade mono panels but cannot say if performance or long term reliability will be compromised.

If Renogy would allow you to upgrade to their mono Eclipse 100w panels for a reasonable cost you would be getting the latest tech and hopefully avoid having this problem again.
It would appreciated if a Renogy rep would come on CRVL and give us some background and education regarding the black strips you are seeing. This is a friendly site to Renogy and I would hope they would value "keeping us all in the loop" as past and future buyers of their products.
This is what they said

"Hello Cort,
Thank you for the pictures. After a period of time ranging from several months to several years after initial installation, solar modules show some discoloration on the cells. These kinds of discoloration, to our knowledge, have no effect on the safety or long term stability of the solar modules"
Thanks 29Chico

I sent pics to Renogy. This is what they said: 

Thank you for the pictures. After a period of time ranging from several months to several years after initial installation, solar modules show some discoloration on the cells. These kinds of discoloration, to our knowledge, have no effect on the safety or long term stability of the solar modules

cortttt said:
Thanks 29Chico

I sent pics to Renogy. This is what they said: 

Thank you for the pictures. After a period of time ranging from several months to several years after initial installation, solar modules show some discoloration on the cells. These kinds of discoloration, to our knowledge, have no effect on the safety or long term stability of the solar modules


These black streaks crossing some individual cells makes this reply suspect in my opinion.  It looks almost as if they did not adequately clean the glass before sandwiching it to the cells, and time/sun/heat, revealed it.

Kind of like writing something dry on on a bathroom mirror and it only shows up when the shower gets steamy.

If the black streaks are just slightly less cloudy areas, i would not expect overall output to be harmed much at all.

But still, they could point to quality control issues.

I have seen mirrors installed with liquid nails, and after a while the figure 8's the guy with the caulking gun drew with liquid nails upon installation, show through the reflective material.  Those streaks on your panel, look similar.
LeeRevell said:
Given their answer, have you noticed any degradation in performance?  Maybe do some output testing for awhile?

With 29Chico's help I just got them hooked up to the battery. I'm still learning how to read the Tristar PWM 45 controller that I have. When I get that in hand I will see how the panel setup is doing. I have 365 watts.
I would agree that the response from Renogy is suspect. I won't call it outright BS because it's quite possible that the pictures never reached someone knowledgeable enough to comment on them...could be they were "described" over the phone and response is based on a poor description. I'd be willing to bet money that what you're seeing is NOT the "cell discoloration" that is being referenced.

It may well be just as benign, but the clearly defined cross-cell markings bely their first attempt at diagnosis, imo....
BradKW said:
I would agree that the response from Renogy is suspect. I won't call it outright BS because it's quite possible that the pictures never reached someone knowledgeable enough to comment on them...could be they were "described" over the phone and response is based on a poor description. I'd be willing to bet money that what you're seeing is NOT the "cell discoloration" that is being referenced.

It may well be just as benign, but the clearly defined cross-cell markings bely their first attempt at diagnosis, imo....

Thanks. I told the tech that this discussion was taking place and asked if the streaks would effect performance and he said no. They haven't said why it occurrs unfortunately, only that it does occur sometimes. It would be good to know what the heck is going on to cause it and I guess absent that or some testing that indicates that the panels are putting out full power, people are going to wonder.
highdesertranger said:
Got Smart needs to reply to this.  Got have you got any ideas?  highdesertranger

I just saw this.  Renogy is closed, but I am posting it on the board and will get an answer tomorrow.
ccbreder said:
Got Smart is a sales agent. Where is they?

They is, are, and bee in Southern California.

I will not sell to members here.  If you want to buy Renogy, I will help you decide what you need, and send you through Bob's link here on the board.  That way any money made helps support CRVL.
That is something I did not know that Gotsmart, that you did not sell here.

That adds some serious credibility to the advise you give,(and thank you very much for the advise I have read here, and learned so much)No shilling going on around here!!!! aside from this issue with the panels from Renogy. OP I hope you get your questions about reliability solved with the panels. Renolgy does have a very good warranty on paper it would seem. If the anomaly does not effect the output or lifespan want would be the harm? Would you still be satisfied with the panels if the output is not effected by the black streaks?

I want to add that when the time comes and I finish the THOW I will be useing Renogy for the solar needs..
My two 100w Renogy panels have been on top of the Ambo for some time now (one is almost two and the other is three years old). They still look as good as they did when I first installed them. I would think those lines might just be a manufacturing blemish that took some sun time to bring out. Keep an eye one em and pictures every so often to note any changes.

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