that is not a wise attitude. i have never had a trailer come disconnected, nor do i ever expect it to happen. but i ALWAYS use safety chains
but a tether for a solar panel needs to be stronger than one thinks. if you think about it, the solar panels are teathered to the rig from the 2 power cables. those are dam strong, ever tried to break one? yet every time i hear about a taped on panel coming loose, the story is the same. panels are just gone. i never hear about people saying "i heard this loud banging and pulled over to find my panels hanging by the wires and beating up the side of my rig"
lets assume the tape is installed perfectly and the tape bond is strong enough to hold the panels. it is only holding them to the paint? ever seen paint peel off? i sure have, heck i have pulled up masking tape that was left too long and had some paint come with it.
sure the tape is cool stuff, but to count on it to hold something on your roof, that if it comes off at high speed could kill the person behind you. i dont think it is that cool