Been Watching Forever, Still Thinking...

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New member
Sep 15, 2020
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Hello everyone! I've been watching Bob's videos for about 2-3 years now and daydreaming about being a nomad. I'm prior military and law enforcement, retired due to a military injury during a training exercise. I'm married and I'm still trying to convince the wife we would be happy out doing this. The only way she'd agree would be if we had a "home base" to come back to for holidays for the children, etc. I'm still working on how to do that. I hope to join you all out on the road some day. In the mean time, I thought, why not join the forum.. Nice meeting everyone! 

Welcome Heath to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.

thanks for your service.

Welcome to the forum gun bunny. I’ll quote a little rhyme I learned years ago. Sitting still and “wish-in” made no person great, the good Lord sends the fissh in but honey you got to get the bait. I know what it’s like to have a wife who doesn’t agree with what you like so you got a find a compromise somewhere. The best thing would be to take little steps one by one and see where it leads. Good luck!
Do it part time and short trips. Take the wife with you and see how she likes it. Get a small used rig (truck camper is best IMHO), do not blow a bunch of money on a nice rig. Do a few trips by yourself to see what items you need or might be missing before you take the wife out, one bad early experience and a wife may be turned off forever. If it turns out she does not like traveling, then you can still do it, she will appreciate you more when you get back. If she was a military spouse then she would be used to you being gone for periods anyways lol. If she really loves it then you can both check out other peoples rigs and decide on what will be best for you. Keep the home base if you can.
I agree and often advise people to wade into this slowly.  Take a few "sake-down trips" or week end camp outs
to get some feel for living out of a rig.  

Some people have even rented a $20 dollar a day U haul Van for this and gone to visit a local State Park or whatever.  with an old bed sheet and some magnets they can rig a makeshift privacy curtain and put a couple of
sleeping cots in it to sleep on. 

You can tie a couple of long 1/4" cords to a plastic tarp 8x6 for an awning.  Just throw the cords over the top of the van and tie them down to tent pegs on the drivers side.  (adjust so one side aligns with the side of the Van.  Then with a couple of poles and 4 tent pegs & some more 1/4" cord you can tie off the outside edge of the tarp to have an awning.  With some folding chairs, an ice chest with beverages, a propane cooking stove you could be camping.

The first link below (the bottom two links) on page 6 there is a check list of things that would be handy to take along.  Some card board boxes can be picked up to stow it in.  If you are at a campsite with a picnic table life could be good.  Otherwise take a card table to cook on.  A 5 gallon water jug would be handy to have too.

Page 6

Handy things to take camping
Instead of buying something used and cheap, one could rent a class C RV for a couple of short time and mileage trips.

Road trips and wallpapering are two proving grounds for relationships.
where you live now is home base. get out on a 2-3 week trip etc. Nothing stopping you from getting into that zone and taking her along and seeing if it floats your 'both' boats here and see what can be changed, adapted, whatever for you guys. Nothing is set in stone, go out and explore, see what fits you guys, changes need to happen in what areas and just bob and weave thru the learning curve of what your life can become. Your vision ain't hers just yet and it might never be but there is alot in between that can make everyone happy and work for you guys.
Just have the courage to move forward and go for it with some baby steps. It ain't an all or nothing life, gray areas abound and those who work around all the BS find a great life to make it work for all!

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