Bed bug probem... and my solution... is it viable?

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These pests can also be picked up in movie theatres and dept and clothing stores, libraries, and any public place that has common furniture to use. They hitch rides in and on purses, clothing, coats, etc. My daughter went to college in NYC and her first room had them. My present dog is Rosco named after a Beagle that pest control companies actually use to sniff out bed bugs. They did not find them in my daughters room and the college refused to replace the mattresses. Then the girls found a live bug in the desk drawer. Oops. They hide in vents, crevices, anywhere they can get out of sunlight. So they got their new mattresses after my husband emailed the college president during parents weekend to find out how we could buy them and get them delivered. They had to dry all their clothes and bedding in a hot dryer for at least 20 minutes. So they set up their room, tore it apart, reset it up again, and the college was not very cooperative. My daughter had bites on her and the nurse diagnosed the bedbugs. The girls had to prove it. Thankfully, the new mattresses and heat treating their clothes seemed to do the trick. It could have been much worse.

After we would leave her, our stuff would be left in the garage, clothes thrown right into the washer, and everything thoroughly inspected. It was a panic attack waiting to happen. The last thing I wanted was these bugs in my house. Heat treatment is the best thing to kill them and putting a quality bedbug cover on your mattress after treatment is a good idea. They can't get out and re-infect your van if they survive, and since they can't get out so they die of malnutrition after several years- and that is correct- years - they can last since they can hibernate, get out and repopulate, and spread. i put in a lot of research.

So sorry for your problem. It has been very common here on the east coast, especially NY and NJ. I just saw a you tube video of a man going thru a thorough inspection of a hotel room to find those buggers. If I can find it I will post the link. Good luck getting rid of them. Here it is-

I think you need to enclose the van in some sort of tent or room while treating otherwise the bugs will run out the vents, them run back in when things cool. getting baked by a powder coat paint service seems like a good idea. Maybe you can remove the batteries and them put them back? Just thinking aloud.
I posted on your latest YouTube video. Go check it out. 
I was lucky that my landlord paid for a exterminator to come pump heat in and i don't know if he did anything else  ,,,, even if he didn't I would of paid a professional exterminator myself  to get rid of them asap , I know I could do the work myself but they already had me so stressed out I would've just paid up and sit back and relax , missing sleep at night and being tired and stressed out at work was no good , it was a relief to be at work and know a pro was taking care of it for good.
Them things are creepy as hell , wake up in middle of the night and you see one crawling towards you.
Its kinda strange that you got bed bugs after your last video titled
"Relax , nothing is in control"
Its like the universe is testing you to see how well you deal with the problem.
Maybe your name might now now be more appropriately "One Awesome Itch"

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