Hi Ranger....I bought it at a stove store in Oregon on a trip out there one year. In OR you can't sell something as a wood stove unless it meets certain emissions standards...that means an airtight, double burning type stove so it is very efficient and the solids stay out of the air, etc. If you have ever been in a place where there is a weather inversion and everyone is burning wood or coal, you can see why....OR has always been a wood burning state and in places like Eugene and many others, houses had sawdust burning furnaces due to the tons of free sawdust from the mills.<br><br> The mills are long gone as is much of the wood so it is only the back-to-the-landers who use wood but there are tons of those, even in towns and cities. In Eugene you see entire neighborhoods where there are no lawns, just yards full of heirloom seeded food gardens.<br><br>So this was in the back of the shop being sold as a "decorator" piece for $100....LOL. It is homemade out of about 3/8" thick steel....it will last literally forever. <br><br>Bri