Bear attack, two dead.

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One dead.
This past Saturday I drove down the driveway after going out for breakfast and three bears, a mother and two small cubs were just standing there, then ran into the trees.
Just to make sure I knew where they went I parked the van and looked down about a hundred yards and there they were, by a tree and big momma standing up leaning against it.
I kept watch to make sure they didn't surprise me while working on the van. Then for no apparent reason momma, followed by the cubs climbed all the way up the three, about 50' or feet high. And there they stood for a long time.
I gave up watching so just went back to work but alway kept looking, just in case.
Just another feel good bear story. In Alaska a mother bear with a cub adopted another yearling cub. Very unusual. But she is sharing fish and also was observed nursing both cubs.