Mine never even get warm.
Don't really know about parasitic draw, but it has to be very minimal or I would have noticed.
Prior to adding them, my house battery got charged once per week, after installing them, my house battery still got charged once per week. No noticeable difference.
Now I charge my house battery while driving and rarely use my generator.
This is my 12th year using them, and my first set of batteries lasted 6 years, and this is my 6th year on this set of $22 batteries. Prior to having these, brand new batteries would only last me 3-4 years, with these, el cheapo recycled batteries last 6 years, and I never have to worry about having a dead battery. I can go a week on my house battery, and a week on my starting battery for boondocking, and still have plenty of power to start the rig. That's about a week longer than my ice will last, so all is good.