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Every Road Leads Home

Well-known member
Mar 13, 2016
Reaction score
Plymouth, Ma
Hi everyone,

    Although not exactly a newcomer, I took a few months off to wrap up a lot of personal loose ends I had hanging.  Having got Lyme 5 years ago and being basically bedridden for almost two of them, lots of things didn't get returns, bills, half finished house remodel etc.  So decided to take a few months off of all social media for the most part and get all my loose ends in order. 

     Now that it's all done, time to get back to what really excites me.  Finding a suitable travel rig.

It's been fun reading through a lot of the threads and seeing where everyone is at.  

Nice tp have you back, Matt.
Hi Matt! So glad you're back.
It's very nice to see your name up there again, Welcome Back Matt.
Hey Matt !
Good to hear from you !

Still in the same spot?
Welcome back, Matt! It's good to get "stuff" taken care of! Just another step in the journey...
rvpopeye said:
Hey Matt !
Good to hear from you !

Still in the same spot?

Hi Popeye,

   Yeap, still in sunny Sanford for the time being.  I've done a few road trips on my hiatus,  figured there was a lot of this new home state I've never seen so I should get to seeing it.  Spent a few days up in Greenville on Moosehead lake, absolutely loved it there,  wouldn't mind trading my house here for one up there at some point in the future. Did a hike to Gulf Hagas, better known as the Grand Canyon of the East.  Then did a few days following the coast, got as far up as Bar Harbor, all back roads, ate plenty of good seafood and gotta say as much as I love it out West, if you gotta be stuck on the East Coast,  Maine has a lot of beautiful areas and the people are second to none when it comes to genuine kindness.
Welcome back! Good to hear youre doing well. If the winters werent so bad Id prefer there to NY.