Arizona-fleas carrying plague

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This sounds like it could be serious? Be careful out there.
It pops up there (and a few other places) every year or couple of years. If you travel with pets, keep them up to date on their flea repellents. This is not the time or place to go for the cheapest flea repellents you can find (like Sargents) or the organic home remedies.
nothing to get excited about, a few cases pop up all over the world every year. I have seen the warning signs in CA, OR, and NV before. just take the proper precautions. I am more worried about getting plowed by a drunk driver. highdesertranger
HoneyGayle said:
I debated about whether to post this in the area for pets, but I decided that because everyone is susceptible, I would post it here. Please forgive me if I am putting it in the wrong category.[/SIZE]

Thanks for posting the advisory link !
It is important that those 'living closer to the earth' keep informed on current status of the vectors.

I did have a friend die from the bubonic plague contracted from a flea his cat brought in.
Another friend was near death and required an extended hospital stay that was touch and go for weeks.

Both these were in the Bakersfield vicinity.
Both were outdoor workers.
Pets are 'closer to the earth' and do get into many odd things while sniffing around outdoors, and are a great liability in this respect.
Close proximetry with pets for those with mobile dwellings must be cautiously considered for obvious reasons and alerts should be quickly posted on all the popular forums for quick awareness.
We use K9 Advantix II which is pricey, though we have heard of similar products at a lesser cost.
In my experience, as a born and raised Floridian, fleas out west are not as bad as the east coast, thank goodness. I've been in NM since 1990 and have never had an issue with fleas on my animals. In fact, I don't give my dogs the flea treatment or the mosquito treatment for that matter as the areas in which I've lived (Northern NM) didn't have a high rate of either. I do have them tested for heart worms tho, just as a precaution. If I lived near standing water then perhaps I'd do the skeeter treatment but I've seen 2 dogs have bad reactions (liver issues) to it and don't want to go there again. Have a friend in VA that gives her dog flea treatment mentioned here and her dog is off food for several days following that treatment, feeling lethargic and basically unwell. Cedar oil helps keep the little critters off your pets.
RV-Hopeful said:
  Cedar oil helps keep the little critters off your pets.
Thanks!  I'll try that, too !
A number of people around here make collars by stringing eucalyptus seed pods to prevent fleas from bothering their dogs.
Others claim the euc oils irritate the dogs skin.
I dunno...
It's a crap shoot when it comes to the natural side of treating things in humans and animals, but I'm always up for a try before using meds.  I'm going to mention the eucalyptus seed pods to my friend in VA.  Thanks!
Desert country doesn't usually have much in the way of fleas. I lived in Las Vegas for five years, and never saw one. When the lawns and lush plantings (that need water) start proliferating, so do the fleas. If you're boondocking in the desert, I don't see much of a problem.