Anyone here a ' Storm Chaser'?

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Active member
Feb 27, 2012
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Anyone here travel to disaster areas to work?

As a Jack-of-all-Trades this could be an option for me to make a living.

It is harder than you may think. Even with a DBA, business license and a million in insurance, I did/ have found it very difficult. Everyone is warned 3 ways to sideways about " fly by nighters "( or carpetbaggers, as they used to be called.)and you can't do any FEMA work unless you are an " approved" business by them. Almost everyone has someone in thief family that they know or is out of work who will do a $20 job for $15 or less. The work people gladly paid me $30/ hr in upstate Ny barely gets me $15 these days here in north Alabama. I have no doubt that some smaller companies might hire on laborers, but I have found most pay low, and don't take out Taxs, ss, unemployment, etc. They pay you as an " hourly sub" and you get a 1099 ( this is actually illegal, but very common here in the south) things may be different closer to larger metropolitan areas, but I have even run into it in Chattanooga, Tn. A neighbor of mine here who lost his house on 4/27/11 and had no insurance just had his homecoming party yesterday. He paid for excavation and the foundation , and most of the materials, but every bit of labor was donated by church and civic groups. Mobile homes are also very popular because of cost, but they require next go nothing to set them up. In the middle of a regional building boom, I am having a tough time. As always, different regions, different results. I have my wife and step children here with me, and they resisted moving the first time, no way they will again so soon. I'm looking for M-F out of town work to feed my traveling itch at the moment. Also, keep in mind, this is my .02, your results may vary.
Hey,<div><br></div><div>thanks Les. &nbsp;Yeah, I've been down that 10-99 road before.</div><div><br></div><div>I watched a guy setting roof sheathing on a 9/12 roof in a snow storm last year and I said to my wife, "That is why I don't want to go back to work for somebody else!"</div><div><br></div><div><br></div>