Any separated dad's live like this?

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May 5, 2012
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I'm considering this change for my life. I'm wondering if/how any dad's feel about it? Wife wants me to "get a place"... This is an appealing alternative.<br><div><br></div><div>Thanks</div>
<P>Just my opinion and frame of reference --<BR><BR>When&nbsp;I was&nbsp;just divorced from ex-wifey she said "Get a place" --- it was just her final attempt at control
<BR><BR>My choice&nbsp;was&nbsp;to live in a Dodge Open Road motor home
<BR><BR>The new found freedom after 21 years of a not so great marriage was eye opening
<BR><BR>Besides saving a ton of money - I actually enjoyed it
<BR><BR>The best was when she wanted to see me to talk about the kids - I suggested we meet in the local police parking lot. When I showed up in the motor home - I invited her in for lunch - Tea with peanut butter and jelly on rye and donuts
<BR><BR>I could tell she hated the fact I wasn't miserable and living under a bridge
<BR><BR>She asked me where I park at night -- "Anyplace I want to ---- at the beach this week"
<BR><BR>She was pissed ---- and I had a smile on my face ( inside&nbsp;
)<BR><BR>Do I still sound a little bitter
<p style="margin: 0px;">You're on the right form kingsnake.&nbsp; Lots of informative people here.&nbsp; Welcome aboard. </p><p style="margin: 0px;">Rae</p>
<p style="margin: 0px;">You're on the right form kingsnake.&nbsp; Lots of informative people here.&nbsp; Welcome aboard. </p><p style="margin: 0px;">Rae</p>
I had a pretty messy divorce, one that dragged on for several years in and out of court. I was a mess back then, and not much of a human being, let alone a father. I WANTED to be a good dad, but the booze wouldn't let me. Anyway, my visitation was supervised ( with good reason) for quite a while, and I also got behind on support. Both visitation and support required a verifiable adress. Fast foreward 17 years, I'm sober over a decade, pay my support and have cut my arrears by over half., but still have to maintain an adress with the courts. Just another reason I count down the days till both my boys are 21. These are MY circumstances, your experience may be much different.
Hi Kingsnake....I&nbsp; have my&nbsp; story on&nbsp; the&nbsp; CheapRVLiving site in the left side column under "Living in&nbsp; a converted bus". My first bus came along as I was&nbsp; recently divorced and recently struck<br> <br> I built a pair of bunks for my two sons when I built out the bus...they spent the summers with me at my job in Denali National Park in Alaska.<br><br>It was a blissful time.....<br>Bri<br>
After a divorce I moved into a box van with a 12 foot box. I lived in it for 6 years. My kids spent their weekends with me and they loved it. I got them a big TV and Nintendo/Playstation and they were happy. We spent a lot of time in parks and at lakes so they could be outside. We all loved it. <br><br>I'd say go for it!! Bob<br>
Dude, living in a bus/van/camper is every boys dream! You'll likely be more popular than mom...just do it.
Welcome kingsnake.<br>I've got 6 kids. My experience has been that they are malleable as warm butter. They seem to adapt to things on the fly. Just remember; dad is dad no matter where he lives.<br>I just called one of my grown daughters yesterday; she is in her late 20's and has 3 boys. She asked me if I was still in WA state. <br>I said, "no, I'm in Iowa now. <br>"Oh!", she replied, "when are coming up here (Minnesota)?"<br>I've got a job starting nearly in her back yard the 1st of June. I'll probably stay in her back yard.<br>I'm, looking forward to riding bike with the grandsons again this summer.What a blast!!<br>Go for it dude!!<br><br>gus<br>Dad<br>Grampa <img src="" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br><br><br><br>
<p>Go for it Kingsnake.&nbsp; Get a home on wheels as big as you need for you and your family.&nbsp; Women like a nest that is put in one spot usually.&nbsp; They are just natural born nesters.&nbsp; But after five years or so the urge to travel will usually bite the both of you.&nbsp; If times were normal you could try living in a house but times are changing fast and we don't have the luxuary of time like we use to.&nbsp;&nbsp;So&nbsp;cast off the bowlines, catch the trade winds and live your life like you don't have too many years left...because the truth is we don't.&nbsp; &nbsp;</p>
<i>Welcome Kingsnake,<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; When I got divorced back in '88 I had no choice but to live in my '78 Chevy van. Yeah it got cold in winter &amp; hot in summer but I found I enjoyed that type of life. My two sons are now in their thirties and have told me that "Dad is still Dad" no matter how he lives. <br>&nbsp;&nbsp; Good luck to you.<br></i>

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