urbanhermit70 said:
Are there any over night parking tip Brooklyn or Newark,New Jersey?
I live in NYC (Manhattan). First of all, be aware that it is not illegal to sleep in your vehicle in NYC, so you have nothing to worry about in that regard. The NY Times has done articles about New Yorkers sleeping in their cars to save money on rent, and there's no law against it. So, don't think you need to find some deserted lot to hide in - that would be less safe. All you need to look for is a side street that is fairly quiet and clean, but not too isolated. I used to see an old converted Dodge van parked on one particular street on the UWS (Upper West Side) all the time, and I knew someone was sleeping there and out at work during the daytime. I've also seen huge RVs parked on the UES.
We don't have very many lots in the city, so the majority of people who own vehicles park on the street. Otherwise, they pay for garages, and that's very expensive. However, with street parking, one must be aware of our alternate side of the street parking rules. These rules mean that about every two days all vehicles on most streets need to be gone between certain hours to allow for the street cleaning trucks to come through. The street signs will tell you which hours and which days there's no parking, and then you just need to move to the other side or a different block. You can visit
https://www1.nyc.gov/html/dot/html/motorist/alternate-side-parking.shtml for info. They used to paste these horrible stickers on the side windows of cars that didn't move. I'm not sure if they still do that, but you would get a ticket or summons if your van is parked where they need to clean.
Street signs can be confusing - some streets have other restrictions - so be sure to read them and if they don't make sense to you, ask someone else whom you see is also parked on that street. Accord to the city's DOT: "If there is more than one sign posted for the same area, the more restrictive one is the one in effect. If a sign is missing on a block, the remaining posted regulations are the ones that are in effect. Please check the entire block and read all signs carefully before you park." Don't park within 15 feet on either side of a fire hydrant.
Also, most avenues with metered parking only apply until about 7pm, I believe. After that time, you don't need to feed the meter for the rest of the night. Again, check the street signs. Also, occasionally, you'll see signs posted about parking being prohibited because a film or TV production will be shooting on that street. They get permits to do that, so clear out or you'll get a ticket.
If I were you, I wouldn't park too close to any dumpsters, parks, nor food stores, to avoid rodents. Not too close to bars, either - to avoid unruly drunks - and sketchy neighborhoods or anywhere you don't feel safe. Park somewhere nice, where you see people walking around.