Any other Vegan Dwellers?

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May 20, 2015
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I'm curious if anyone else in the community is a vegan and if so what kind of meals they are preparing themselves. With limited storage and refrigeration options I've ended up simplifying my diet down even further to foods that can be easily stored and don't require refrigeration. It kind of makes me sad because I really miss almond milk, tofu scrambles, and some of the fake meat for special occasions. So I thought I might come here and see what any experienced vandwelling vegans do.
My local health food store has small (8 ounce) shelf stable containers of soy milk and rice milk. The also have packages of shelf stable tofu. Once opened it needs refrigeration, but they're small packages. Also lots of organic vegan packaged meals (rice, noodles, etc.) and canned organic/vegan chili, soups. I buy fresh veggies and other fresh food for the first few days, then finish up the week or two with canned and packaged organic vegan food. Then it's time to go to town!
I have limited refrigeration as well but manage to have almond milk, tofu, and fake meats, I am surprised how long almond milk will last. I tend to buy often and try to use up everything that is perishable fast that means some days eating the same thing, that is the down side.
If you insulate your cooler, you can get 4-5 days or more out of a couple blocks of ice.
Even at larger grocery chains I have seen shelf stable almond and soy milk, even in individual size containers, also shelf stable tofu packs, so perhaps you could make tofu scramble with that. Not sure about the fake meat, what about TVP?
Saw this on Amazon:  Harmony Valley Vegetarian Hamburger mix (says it's vegan)
Thanks for everyone's replies, I am vegetarian and currently researching how to RV full time, hopefully ditching my sticksnbricks lifestyle ASAP.
yeah and all the processed food that was mentioned. I would be more worried about the processed food then the meat. highdesertranger
I personally try to eat whole, unprocessed, organic food. Sometimes I have to go for two out of three. My best, healthiest meals are shortly after I've gone shopping. After the first few days, the quality goes down - but I think it would for non-vegans too. Nice fresh steak and chicken the first few days: canned tuna and Mac and cheese later in the week (or 2 weeks) before you get back to the store.  There are some minimally processed packaged foods, and organic bulk foods available at Whole Food Market and other "health food" stores.
LeeRevell said:
Doesn't eating 'fake meat' violate core vegan principles?  Seems like 'cheating'.  Just trying to understand the lifestyle.

I don't think it violates anything, companies are making vegetable products that look and taste like meat all over the world, some better then others, Korea has some amazing products so does Holland.  In the not too distant future most earthlings will be vegetarians as meat will be too expensive to produce, too many people to feed. We produce perfectly good protein stick it in a cow and end up with less protein more fat using up more energy,more land, it just doesn't make sense.Because people are used to the taste and textures of meats these are great products to wean people off animal products, not to mention the convenience of them with our 21st century lifestyles.    I have been a vegetarian for over 25 years,  most of the time vegan. It is well documented that it is a healthier life style. Vegetarians live longer, have less disease, take fewer medications. Governments tend to water it down, stay in denial to protect lucrative industries but slowly the truth is coming out about dairy and meat. Today there is a trend that will likely build momentum with generations, you can;'t hold back the truth forever, already some countries have removed fruit juices from their healthy diet recommendations. Fruit juices are not much better for you then pop but we are all dupped into thinking differently. How does that happen likely the same way the Cattlemen Association got away with the buffalo killings in America so many years ago, how GM killed the electric car, or Firestone ripped up train tracks etc......
Ive been vegan for 19 years and both my kids have been vegan since birth. We are all strong and healthy. As to the food I plan to eat less soy and more nuts. Lots of fruit , canned lentil soup, veg chilli etc.

I dont want to be preachy but going veg is so much better for your health, the environment and of course the animals.
I couldn't go vegan because after all even honey is stolen from bees and I assume alcohol is off limits as the yeast die after their job is done(yeast count as animals?), but I love hearing meal ideas, more so since just yesterday I decided to go sans refrigerator/cooler. The dairy substitutes I really need to look into, the only thing I was keeping in my cooler that needed refrigeration was UHT half&half, which lasted 3-6 days outside the cooler after opening. So I may start trying all those different soy, nut and rice(never heard of?) milks.
If a person is vegan from a moral or religious belief, then certainly honey, leather, perhaps yeast (bread?) are not to be used or consumed. Many of us are vegan for health and "feel good" reasons. I feel better when I don't eat meat, eggs, or dairy. Someone earlier posted something about meat substitutes: if you're vegan for health reasons, and you feel that meat substitutes are healthy, then I see no moral problem in consuming them. Fresh, organic, unprocessed is best.  Doesn't always happen! Everyone else wants to stop at McDonalds. OK, McD's has a couple of pretty good salads. Not organic, but probably better than a Big Mac!
minimotos95 said:
I couldn't go vegan because after all even honey is stolen from bees and I assume alcohol is off limits as the yeast die after their job is done(yeast count as animals?), but I love hearing meal ideas, more so since just yesterday I decided to go sans refrigerator/cooler. The dairy substitutes I really need to look into, the only thing I was keeping in my cooler that needed refrigeration was UHT half&half, which lasted 3-6 days outside the cooler after opening. So I may start trying all those different soy, nut and rice(never heard of?) milks.

We all draw the line in our own way. I try not to eat honey, never buy/wear leather and eat bread. To me yeast or more of a bacteria. You could take it as far as Jainism where they try not to walk to many steps as each step you are potentially killing bugs and bacteria. While I respect their beliefs I dont think its reasonable to ask someone to go that far. There are abundant alternatives to meat, dairy and leather. That said, I dont deny my kids  a piece of cake at a birthday party and if there is doughnut at my workplace staffroom, I'll probably have one. 

We are all hypocrites to some degree and we can only expect what is reasonable... but that doesnt mean there isnt alot of good we CAN do by the food choices we make.
I respect the vegetarians, and am always interested in learning of nutritional alternatives, but I will happily remain an omnivore. And yes, I own a lot of leather items.
I would suppose a purist would need to exclude silk too, as it is an animal protein product. And MANY items, from drugs, to beauty and hygiene supplies, food additives, paint and adhesive additives, etc. are made with animal products. It's much like trying to buy only 'American'..... basically it cannot be done. But we each study and make our own choices.
This thread is about how to be a Vegan vandweller, not debating the merits and technicalities of veganism.

That discussion requires a new thread.

So what other techniques do you use to be a vegan and live a mobile life?
One thing I did was buy one of those EXTREMELY expensive Yeti - type coolers so I could keep fresh food longer. I still shudder when I think of all that money - for an ICE CHEST!!! However, it works. Keeps stuff cold for at least a week. Sometimes it's difficult to find organic, healthy, unprocessed, vegan or vegitarian food in smaller towns, so even if I'm not too far off the beaten path I've gotta keep stuff cold for a while!
Eating vegan is easy living the van life! Think of foods that need little or no refrigeration. Many fruits and vegetables will last awhile like bananas, apples, oranges, beats, carrots, potatoes, tomatos. Dry goods like beans and rice and nuts will last a long time, rolled oats or steel cut oats are great for breakfast and last a long time (add nuts sliced bananas and chunks of canned pineapple its great). Green leafy veggies require refrigeration and only last a couple of days in a cooler kale last the longest and is probably the best for health any way. If is a cool day kale will last a day without a cooler. Canned veggies are good too (mix can of kidney beans with diced tomatoes and corn and season to tast).
I have done this living in semi trucks on the road. The hardest part was finding grocery stores near a truck stop! I think eating vegan is easier than meat based diets on the road (meat needs refrigeration more than veggies). Cleaning the dishes is easier because there is no greasy mess!
I want to address some misinformation on this thread. first this is not anti vegan. if that's what you want to do fine there is nothing wrong with that. however the posts that stated that it is a waste to grow food to feed animals because is not sustainable or environmentally destructive is a bit misleading. I have been involved in agriculture off and on my whole life. at the moment I run a small cattle ranch. we do not feed our cattle anything grown except under emergency situations. our cattle graze on land that is not suitable for any type of crops. our cattle graze alongside deer, bobcat, mountain lion, rabbits, coyotes, ground squirrels, etc. we do not depopulate other species to graze our cattle. we have no predator or ruminant control programs. as well as any of the other cattle ranches in this area. however every farm that is growing anything, that I have ever been evolved with do not follow the same practices. farms do not allow rabbits, deer or any animals that will eat their crops on the farms. they either kill them or displace them. at the very least farms take habitat out of the natural system. any farm that would allow the rabbit population to go into their fields unchecked would not be in business long. all I am trying to point out is nothing in life is free from effects on the planet. I am a omnivore I love my fruit and veggies too. this is my 2cents. highdesertranger
Speaking of misinformation yeast is neither an animal nor a bacteria, it's a fungus.

On topic: how do vegans deal with DHA and EPA fatty acids? I'm not vegan but due to no refrigeration, it's difficult to include fish in my diet when not camped next to a store. Right now I load up on ALA's and eat fish when I can.