any know-how on macerator pump use

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Well-known member
Mar 21, 2012
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I am going to add a waste tank and rv toilet to my van.<br>I am asking this in the rv forum because most rv's have this type of setup and vans do not.<br>I know what a macerstor pump does but can not envision how hooking it up to the tank <br>works with paper waste. It says it would have a 1 1/2" inlet. So I would tap into the tank and add <br>a fitting that will allow me to run a 1 1/2 hose to the inlet on the pump. How does the <br>tissue and any bulk fit into the 1 1/2 inch opening to the pump to be macerated???? It seems the <br>1 1/2" hose would plug up pretty easily.<br><br>
I had one on my boat. There is books written on the subject. Single ply toilet paper works well. Don't use much at a time. If the solids to not leave, Just put ice in and drive until melted and use flush again. Use lots of fresh water.<br><br>Hose should be as short as possible as anything in the hoses will remain in them until the next flush. These hoses are hard to put on. Always use 2 clamps, SS type as they need to be strong! Much more so than the normal hoses.<br><br>Always vent the tank when emptying. <br><br>I cannot see putting one in a van. Just not enough room. Better to get a RV Head and install a valve underneath. YOU WILL BE MUCH HAPPIER!!<br><br>James AKA Lynx<br><br>
The macerator is a pump.&nbsp; It will (I hate to use this word in this context) suck the solids out of the tank.&nbsp; The only real use for a macerator pump is to allow you to "pump" your wastes uphill a short distance, rather than use gravity to drain your black tank.&nbsp; The output of the macerator is typically a garden hose, so you can pump a good ways horizontally with just a few gallons.&nbsp; I would calculate how much water it takes to fill the outlet hose, and (after the black tank is empty) pour in twice that much water, just to make sure everything is flushed clean.<br><br>A macerator is great, but it's no miracle cure.<br><br>Bama
9"Thanks for the responses. I thought a macerator pump would make it easier to evacuate the tank.<br>I guess I will have to more research on the typical RV 3" drain hose and how that all works.<br>Either way we a are talking some pretty gross hoses to handle :-(
The macerator has no problem with the toilet paper most RVer's use. I have one and use it on occasion. As James suggested you should buy or make your holding tank with the standard RV valve and fitting so you can go either way (3" rv hose or pump) as you please. THe pump is easily purchased with the adapter already fitted to use on your tank. There is also a collapsible hose available so there is very little left in the hose when you are done. My discharge hose is a 3/4" well made garden hose with a valve and short 90 degree stub on the end so any remaining fluid is trapped. <br>&nbsp; Being a pump it is not as simple as a 3" hose, and you can count on having to take it apart about once a year to clean it. Easily done but not much fun.<br>&nbsp; THe macerator allows you more flexibility in dumping your tank. You can pump into a forest service vault toilet, outhouse, sewer clean out on the side of a house, etc. Of course you have to use your head and do this only where appropriate. So there are trade offs to consider. Space needs to be considered too. The pump and hose does take up some room. Lots of people use them but they are not for everyone. <br>&nbsp;An old boondocker Named Phred Tinseth wrote a lot about boondocking and a very good article on this subject. His web pages have been saved and are worth reading. <span style="color: #ff0000;"><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><span style="color: #ff0000;">Phred's poop sheets</span></a></span><br>-Bill-
when I build the retirement home(toy hauler).&nbsp; I am planning on putting a dual system in to cover all bases.&nbsp; that's interesting with the garbage disposal but I wonder how far it would pump or haw much uphill.&nbsp; highdesertranger
Greetings,<br>Since you are still in the&nbsp;<span style="line-height: 20px;">contemplating&nbsp;</span>mode...<br><br>I wondering what prompted you to believe a full blown toilet was the solution inside your van?<br><br>I'm going to share what my wife and i are doing in our regular body chevy van and love it...better than wife was the one who dreamed it up!<br><br>We use a 2 gallon frosting bucket from a local bakery with a plastic luggable loo toilet seat on it. Inside the bucket is a bio-bag and arm &amp; hammer kitty litter. We also separate out the urine into a different bucket. Sounds archaic but this works for us and we can boon dock indefinitely. No holding tank to dump. Here are some pictures inside the van. It all hides away behind a ~18" deep (at floor) cabinet up to the original interior roof height/lip. Once open we can shower if we wish with drop down basin and electric shower.<br><br><img rel="lightbox" src="" class="bbc_img"><br><br><img rel="lightbox" src="" class="bbc_img"><br><br>We would NEVER go back to a toilet system inside our van conversion that had a holding tank of any type. We had a nice thetford cassette in our last RV and were bound by that 5 gallon tank to find someplace to dump every 3rd day! Never again. ! To each his own...but for us? The freedom of no black holding tank is a small slice of RV heaven.&nbsp;<br><br>Our van next to our full time 38ft fifth wheel <img rel="lightbox" src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" class="bbc_img">&nbsp;. . . suffice to say the Mobile Suite has a holding tank! grrrrr.<br><br><img rel="lightbox" src="" class="bbc_img"><br><br>Thom<br><br>_<a href=";t=5996" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">link to our van's build thread over at the sportsmoble forum</a>_
If you're handy and can lay your hands on an old, but working garbage disposal, this could be your answer.