Any experience with Peltier dehumidifiers?

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Well-known member
Aug 24, 2017
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I see Peltier module kits for sale on Ebay for very reasonable prices.

These solid state devices get cold on one side and warm on the opposite sides.

The cold sides dehumidify by condensing the air that flows over it.

Has anyone collected the condensate for a water supply?
They would make an interesting experiment. It would take a rather large peltier plate. Lots of energy. To condense much water.
John61CT said:
Not energy efficient for human scale use cases

The small units condense about 3 oz a day at about 12 Watts.

But you got me thinking.

A home A/C condenses about 1 gallon an hour.

A car A/C is about the same size as a home A/C.

What if we collected the vehicle condensate and pumped it into a tank instead of dropping it on the road?
See boat watermaker units if you're near the sea or "bad water".

Areas with humidity only in the air google "fog catchers".

But anywhere near population centers potable water is freely available, not worth the trouble and expense.
G-d damn it people didn't you learn anything from Star Wars? Water harvesters is how we ended up with Darth Vader!

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Peltier devices are extremely energy inefficient at cooling (which is needed for condensing obviously).
It would take a surprising amount of energy to pull the minimum 2 gallons per person per day even with just average humidity and temp levels.
There is no easy solution for ambient air based water collection when mobile. It's a pita even when stationary.
Not all problems have solutions.