anxiety disorder

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<p style="margin: 0px;">Thank you for this Bri.</p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p>
<P>I couldn't do it without my dog. </P>
Thank you for your insight, Bri...PTSD has been bandied around a lot lately, but those of us who know realize what a devastating effect it has on us and everyone around us. The release of fear from our lives is a gift that is hard to come by. I carried a "thousand yard stare" for many years, and had all the baggage that goes with it...don't know how I lived through it, frankly.<div>&nbsp;If the fear hits you when you are young, you are in for a hell of a battle. I have learned to fear only fear, because the anxiety and fear will stop you in your tracks and you might as well be dead. I am not saying I have any special life force philosophy, just a way of looking at the present day.</div><div>&nbsp; The past is the past...the present is all we have.</div>
<p style="margin: 0px;">My little sister (40 yo) suffers from a lot of things, anxiety being one of the things she reports from various Drs.&nbsp;and goes from Dr to Dr to Vodka to Dr again. I was a good sister for many years and sometimes not so good anymore. Sometimes both&nbsp;of us&nbsp;make it impossible. Me for growing tired of the partial insanity, her for self medicating and blaming.</p><p style="margin: 0px;">Maybe I should do more reading and try to educate myself but I guess I'm just that not good of a person. And...not to call the kettle black, but&nbsp;I have been given good advice here, esp from Les about how to get help to deal with&nbsp;this but have not followed up.&nbsp; I guess my sister and I have that in common, not following good counsel.</p><p style="margin: 0px;">Dragonfly<img border="0" align="absmiddle" src="/images/boards/smilies/frown.gif"></p>
Hi Guy, Bless you my brother and I see that you folks have a hard road right now and I know that things will improve as you move along in your journey.<br>Thank you for your service Guy and welcome home. I won't pretend that I have any idea what a guy with two tours in the 'Nam has gone through or is going through but I am really glad to hear that you have pushed your way through and are here in the moment which is the only moment that exists.<br>I know that everything I have gone through brought me to the present and I am extremely grateful for all of it...I would hate to die still asleep...<br>Dragonfly, I don't know if you have heard of the 12 step program for those affected by alcoholism...Alanon...but it is hugely helpful to me since my entire family are alcoholics...all 5 siblings are sober today but it has been a hard, hard road....for all of us...Alanon softens the journey and provides tools for living...<br>Hugs,<br>Bri<br><br>
<i><span id="post_message_1272279940">"I know that everything I have gone through brought me to the present and I am extremely grateful for all of it...I would hate to die still asleep..."<br><br></span></i><span id="post_message_1272279940">The moment I sincerely felt that way, the world changed.......<br></span>
<span id="post_message_1272286896"><span id="post_message_1272279940">The moment I sincerely felt that way, the world changed.......</span></span>
<br><br>Isn't that the truth Karl....!<br><br>Bri<br><br>
I lost most of my nerves four years ago in Kandahar. Don't have PTSD, but seven months of pure stress in a war zone has an effect on you. Loud noises and confrontations scare the hell out of me. There is a universe of nasty possibilities out there, and they all scare me. I used to get regular feelings of impending doom, and then I became a vegan. My diet has had a <i>huge</i>&nbsp;impact on my mood. When I find myself stuck in one of those episodes, I realize I've been drinking too much beer and not eating. A head of broccoli, pure orange juice, an apple/kiwi, spinach, and some carrots usually cure me in a day. Not as easy as it sounds though: when you have absolutely no desire to eat, you have to force yourself to eat. Kind of like how you have to force yourself to <i>move</i>&nbsp;in directions when your fears attempt to cripple and prevent you from doing so. Fear and anxiety are anti-life: succumb to them and you are nothing more than walking dead.<div><div><br></div><div>Eat well, live well, and <i>just move</i><i>!</i></div><div><i><br></i></div><div>Keep things simple, and the blessings of a simple life will reward you.</div></div><div><br></div><div>p.s. buy a flare gun for self-defence. Nothing says "eff off" like a gun pointed in your face... and it's easier to get then the real thing.</div>
Hi Captain Logos....thank you for your service and your contributions to us here....Great advice.....and wisdom....<br>