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Sep 15, 2020
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Not really sure what people want to read ........

I am a retired 61 year old gunsmith from NE Oklahoma ..... been a country boy (hillbilly actually) all my life.

We have decided to downsize from our short bus and have been looking at what I call 15 passenger vans for a few weeks.

Not full time and probably will not try that for a little over a year when my fiance retires.

If ya wanna know more just ask.
Welcome to the CRVL forums catalekid! Good luck with the search for a van! Did you build out your bus yourself? We love seeing how people have made their rolling homes so please post photos of your bus and the new van as you build it out if that's not too much trouble. :)

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.
Welcome to the CRVL Forum  :)

I'm sure you could find people interested in your short bus when you are ready to part company with it.  As for extended Vans,  my rig is a Ford extended high top and for me it has been perfect.  My first Van wasn't a high top
and I was much younger so I could get along in it. 

If I didn't already have a Van rig today,  I'd be looking at an all aluminum step van with a rectangular living space with more width than the Van offers.  Some of these are gasser's and some diesel.  (if I were to be in cold areas I'd go gas)
Lots of room on the roof for solar, and inside for a battery rack.  What I like about them is that they are built to truck standards and to last a greater number of years.  But that's just me. :idea:
Hello there and welcome to the forum. I’m a hillbilly to. The northern part of the Appalachian Mountains in Pennsylvania. Been wanting to get to Kentucky soon but the doctor hasn’t gotten done with me yet. Got another appointment on October 6. I’m in PA near Hershey. I was looking at a short busBut couldn’t arrange the financing darn I wanted that thing. I’m now in a 98 dodge conversion van with a high top that I can almost stand up in. I’ve been living in it since June 1. You’ll find that there’s lots of information you can share hear some of it about your build some of it about you some about your plans even poetry and music you’re listening to so jump in and enjoy. God bless the nomads all of us.
why downgrade in size and why is that what you guys want? just wondering. A short bus does give more room obvy so if on the road full time can ya or want less space for both of you? just curious on it.
We are downsizing because all driving chores now fall on the shoulders of my fiance. I have extremely limited vision and can no longer see good enough to drive. She tried driving the short bus but hates it. So we are downsizing.
oh very cool on what ya need to move forward. Just let her pick the vehicle for her that she is super happy with and go forward and enjoy life in that van!! and extra space can be overrated in that we can 'who love to wander and enjoy life on this level' don't require crap to carry with us ya wishing you guys the best and you find that niche that works best for you both!! Would love to hear how this all goes down for you guys and you get out and about!!
If you Can afford it the European style (My way of saying sprinter type) Vans seem to offer the most room for the easiest driving. The “fancy van life“ people on YouTube are mainly Young couples doing well in this type of van. (If you can believe them ) These vehicles ain’t cheap but they are nice. I have test driven several of them and they drive closer to a large car than any van I ever have driven. I hope you know how blessed you are having someone who cares about you and will drive. My eyes are bad enough I can’t drive in bad weather or at night and I’m wondering what My vision is gonna be like in a year or so. I can’t cross that bridge till I get to it so I am going to Keep trucking till I get there. God bless the van dwellers even those who can’t see very well.
It's amazing what cataract surgery did for my vision this year...and both procedures were quite easy.
I had a cataract surgery a year ago in my right eye.  It only took about 10 minutes but the prep was over a half hour.  Either way I would rather do that than go to the Dentist any day.  My right eye was so bad I could only see close up and everything else was a blur. At night the headlights of the oncoming car had a halo around it when looking thru my right eye.

So after the surgery,  I made this image to show my surgeon when I was back in for a check up. 

The left frame was what I saw with my left eye.  The center with my right eye before the surgery.  The right frame
is what I see now except it is clear like the left frame now..  But thing seem zoomed a bit further out.  So my Optometrist  fitted me with a contact that brings things together nicely.  I now wear dollar tree  2.00+ diopter reading glasses for close up.  Life's good now.  In one day I could see again and I'd suggest not putting this off.
Also, I suggest only going with the single liens implant and not the more costly bi or tri implants. With the single lens type you can correct with glasses or contacts....but if the implant doesn't work for you it can be an expensive mess.

I too opted for the cheaper single liens implant and now only need dollar tree 2.00+ diopter reading glasses for close up. I am very happy with the results.
Hello friends - my eye problem is not cataracts in fact my eyes are very good it’s the brain tumor sitting on my brain stem that’s screwing up the brain part that interprets my vision. And that’s inoperable because it’s on the brain stem so I just learn to live with it. I do have the beginning of a cataract I was told but nothing major.. it sure is good to have a vehicle where if it starts to get bad weather I can just pull over and find a place to sleep. God bless the nomads those that can see in those that can’t.
I went with the basic lenses. Everything was paid for by sickcare insurance. Except for the operating room adjustment (ORA) at $65 per eye. The premium options were premium priced and not covered.

Thought about monovision, as that is the how I did contacts, but opted for both eyes corrected for distance. The period of time, when the left eye was fixed, while the right was unfixed, was illuminating as to the yellow crud through which I had been viewing the world. Jaundiced eyes, indeed.

I'm glad that I did not do monovision, I can see more details about changing surfaces at a distance, where I have time to react, while I am riding my dual sport off pavement, with stereo vision. Star gazing is incredibly amazing now.

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