And So It Begins ... Again ...

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Thanks for the compliments :)

By Wednesday night I should have the finish work done, solar, plumbing, and several misc bits done.
Meaning by the end of next week it should be about 95% finished. Last 5% things will just get done piece by piece.
Also, holding off on another 100W of solar and a fridge until my budget situation is better.

I'll get you all some more pics as I can. Some more angles and pics with the bed setup would be nice.
Speaking of which, need to cut the foam to fit so those benches become more comfortable, haha.
Oh, to give you all a better idea of the dimensions with this layout in a standard length Express van ...

The bulkhead is just under 2" thick (I sit far forward), the bed is 42" wide, the closet and cabinet are 57" iirc, and the kitchen is 18" deep in the middle (narrower at the ends) and full van interior width. Both the closet and cabinet are 18" deep at the base. This is a little narrow for the closet since the clothes will stick out a little on the hangers (stupid wall taper) but the width between the two is 3' so there's plenty of space. I will get you all the bench, couch, and center section depths if I can remember to write them down tomorrow. They are intentionally all different on mine but could be done with all at 24" if that's easier. Oh, I will get you guys the under seating cubby dimensions too.

Hope those pics offer some inspiration. I really like the layout even though it's not a common one. Really maximizes usable space if you're going with a layout which doesn't need rear door access. Personally, I didn't need or want the rear door access or a kitchen usable from the exterior. Plus, the side door is still functional though you have to climb over the bench. Makes tossing the full aqua-tainers into the rear a lot easier though. Just lift them onto the bench and then move them to where needed from the inside.
Thank you for posting all the photos! Nice work. Well fitted, like a boat builder. How do you like the butane stove? I have been using one for more than a year and do like it better than propane. Did you think about the weight of the heavier lumber? I am using 1x3 and 1x4 finished pine, and some aluminum sheet. But I am not as careful a builder as you. :)
You made good time! What area of the roof are you going to install the vent fan?
someone has some get up and go in them,geez

i'm going to do the bed forward too but will just use a bed,i suspect you are going to use something you can roll/fold away?
Weight said:
Thank you for posting all the photos! Nice work. Well fitted, like a boat builder. How do you like the butane stove? I have been using one for more than a year and do like it better than propane. Did you think about the weight of the heavier lumber? I am using 1x3 and 1x4 finished pine, and some aluminum sheet. But I am not as careful a builder as you. :)

The pics were pretty quick. I will try to get better ones. As for fitment, I added garage door edging to improve the tightness of a lot of fits, haha.
I like the butane over propane provided you have a steady source. Better/cleaner burn without so much water vapor.
The weight difference of my build over a lighter one will never be enough for it to matter to a full size van. Might as well go strong.
Don't you think the aluminum sheeting will just become a drum?
Dennis said:
You made good time!  What area of the roof are you going to install the vent fan?

Not going with a roof mounted fan. I'm not a fan (haha) unless building something obviously stayed in. Going with a small highly efficient fan which will be ducted to the side sliding door window. Invisible when closed and when open you'd have to put your face to it to notice. Still pulls from the high point of the van. I'll take pictures since my explanation sucks, lol.
Gary68 said:
someone has some get up and go in them,geez

i'm going to do the bed forward too but will just use a bed,i suspect you are going to use something you can roll/fold away?

Check the pics on page 4. That couch back sets into place between the couch and the bench to form the bed. Just lift and lay in. Though, I'm currently debating splitting it into two pieces (on for each side).
I'll play around with it tomorrow. Had to take today off to recoup from all the long hours working in the heat. Plus, give my back a rest.
Oh, I thought you were going roof mounted. I would like to have a back door glass that opens out like Ford vans. Haven't found anyone that advertises making those for Chevy.
Dennis said:
Oh, I thought you were going roof mounted.  I would like to have a back door glass that opens out like Ford vans. Haven't found anyone that advertises making those for Chevy.

I like the idea of as factory a look as possible. The side pop out window will be enough with some tweaking and completely unnoticeable unless you're on top of it.
Even the solar setup will be a little different in order to make it look more like a standard roof rack. Don't like to draw attention.
Heck, originally I was going to have the fan setup hidden behind the license plate, lol. Too big of a pain to setup how I wanted though.
If anyone wants some music to stay in a good mood and keep motivation up I like to build while listening to about the funnest music I think there is.
Jump on Youtube and look up "Parov Stelar". Best tracks: Catgroove, Booty Swing, Chambermaid Swing, Phantom, and Libella Swing.
Not the music for everyone but if you like it at all you can't not smile. Helpful when you're getting tired in the heat but have things to do, haha.
I like your layout with the kitchen in the back.

Gideon33w said:
Both the closet and cabinet are 18" deep at the base. This is a little narrow for the closet since the clothes will stick out a little on the hangers (stupid wall taper) . . .

You could always install a telescoping pull-out closet rail (or two), which saves a lot of space.  Your clothes would hang on it front to back instead of side to side.  Some need to be attached to something above it, like the right sized piece of wood or the underside of a shelf, but IKEA makes one on a bar that gets attached on the back wall.  I have one in a small closet I built in my apartment at home - it's only 14" deep because my BR is tiny (typical small NYC apartment) but with the extending rod, I can hang quite a few garments within that depth.

Lots of places sell this kind of accessory, but I got mine at IKEA.  It's a pretty common accessory, AKA an extending rail or extending clothes carrier.  They make special ones for pants, too.

Here are some pics of what I mean (all of them pull out):





I love the idea. I was thinking about this while building but didn't want to spend the extra for a set of them (have enough width for three).
Definitely something to consider in the future as I make improvements though. Big space improvement for little investment.
That's some pretty cool music. Downloaded a few from iTunes. Nice job on the build.
Got most of the things that need to be done now done. The rain stopped long enough that I was able to do the carpet as well as a few other things after I snapped these. My vent fan, swamp cooler fan, and personal fan all came in today as well. Solar should be here tomorrow. Hopefully before the evening monsoon so I can get it installed too. Oh, I did go ahead and split the center bed piece into two section. Also allows me to have a U shaped couch when needed. Let me know if you have any questions.









Nice work! I was wondering about the butane. I recently bought one and it says to use outdoors. I could really smell it on my balcony. The ignition didn't work and I returned it. Don't you get a smell from the gasses? I'm going to buy a duel fuel, propane/butane. What don't you like about propane? I like your idea of a dish washing bin sink.
XFILE36 said:
Nice work!  I was wondering about the butane.  I recently bought one and it says to use outdoors.  I could really smell it on my balcony.  The ignition didn't work and I returned it.  Don't you get a smell from the gasses?  I'm going to buy a duel fuel, propane/butane.  What don't you like about propane?  I like your idea of a dish washing bin sink.

Well, both propane and butane should be used outdoors. The key is ventilation. Butane offers more BTUs per oz (though you will see people argue this). Propane produces far more water vapor when it burns which is always an issue in a van. Eventually, I will likely switch to a dual fuel or propane but this was the cheapest and simplest option. Sadly, those choices have to be made at the moment. At least till I can sell my last remaining toy so I can have some budget. Know anyone looking for a Miata? Haha

The bin is being used as a proper sink. I have a fitting in the bottom and it drains into an onboard 2.5 gallon water tank. That tank is valved and has a hose leading the exterior. Once in a situation to drain it I need only open the valve and the greywater drains out the bottom of the van. That plastic dish bin is nice and lightweight plus easily replaceable for all of $2. It will do the job for now :)
That butane burner you have is a good choice. I can bring a quart of water to a full boil in sub two minutes. I timed mine. :p
Ballenxj said:
That butane burner you have is a good choice. I can bring a quart of water to a full boil in sub two minutes. I timed mine. :p

That's another good point. The speed makes them nicely efficient. Especially when you want that cup of coffee RIGHT NOW. Which is most of the time, haha

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