An easier way to change a fuel pump???? Or not?

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So you have an RV with dual fuel tanks ?  This sounds very familiar with Ford vehicles.  I run a E 350 high top Van with just the main fuel tank but have friends who have shown me their solutions to the dual tank nightmare.

Ford uses these tiny "in tank" lift pumps that get the fuel to the main fuel pump where all of the pumps are electrical for fuel injection.   Assuming your 460 rig has fuel injection.

The best fixes for these are external auxiliary fuel pumps that you don't have to fool around with dropping the tank to replace.  These just suck fuel through your old dead pumps left in place in the tanks.  No holes in floors etc.

They can be had for various prices.  I've got mine for as little as $13 bucks but some auto parts places sell them for more than $50. 


The lift pumps in your tanks will probably have 4 wires in the plug.  I just took the hot and ground wire and wired them to the two wires of the pump shown above.  went to a wrecking yard and got some fuel lines to use in the adapting to the existing fuel lines in my rig.  They push on and are held with plastic clips.

On that clamp, I drilled a hole in the frame to mount it and took a piece of bicycle inner tube to wrap around the pump to sound deaden it. (they can make a lot of noise as these are vibrator pumps)

You can rig similarly on the dual fuel tank systems.  Some RV's have two fuel gauges with auto tank shift.  You can if you choose, try to preserve that but I'd rather have an all manual system with double throw switchs opposed to that automatic trouble prone system of Ford's. I like having control of my equipment.

I had at one time a 74 Lincoln Continental with a 460.  It started cutting out and backfiring.  It was the manual fuel pump on the engine. 

Rock Auto Parts has that fuel pump shown above for $13.30 with 12 months 12,000 miles warranty + shipping.  I carry spare fuel pumps with me in my rig as they are cheap enough.  I've got mine set up to where I can swap one in 15 minutes.