Alarms for the deaf and not so deaf

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Well-known member
Aug 28, 2011
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Didn't know where to put this please move if you think it should be.<br /><br />Being deaf can be&nbsp;challenging&nbsp;sometimes. Waking up in the morning and yes especially on a cold winter day can be challenging to anyone! I have been racking my brains outs out(OK not that much!)in trying to find a good way to rise in the morning once I have my wheel home. I had a timer which you strap to your arm ,leg or&nbsp;wherever&nbsp;but it was bothering me strapped out of question. So out necessity because my timer broke(I use a lamp timer so the light wakes me up) I decided to try using my cell phone on vibrate. I was so surprised it woke me up. I put it in my pillow case. I am going to velcro my pillow and my phone so its more stable once I am a sleep. Just a thought ,because yes I didn't think of this before and its staring right in your face an easy way to get around waking up. Anyway for you hearing impaired folks it does work. I wonder if they make pillow cases with pockets? Better yet....maybe I&nbsp;should&nbsp;make my own.
Hi She,<br /><br />They make special alarms for Deaf/ HoH folks that are giant vibrators basically that go in your pillow.&nbsp; But absolutely your cell phone works.&nbsp; I have an iPhone, and it has an option specifically for deaf to use the flash on the camera as my notification, so my phone whenever it wants my attention, will vibrate and flash the camera light, it works amazingly well to wake me up, especially in a dark place!&nbsp; the flash is BRIGHT! <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br /><br />I've never seen 12v alarms for deaf, but I've seen battery operated ones.<br /><br />Glad you found a solution that works for you!<br /><br />Personally, I just don't set alarms if I can at all avoid it (I can most days), I don't like them! <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
Your last sentence...I would love to that too. LOL Really one day maybe. I saw those giant v's and that would have been my next way if I didn't stumble on the phone. The reason I make such a big deal out of it is that I thought the vibe part would be too loud. You can hear it. But with my hearing aids on I realized it was pretty low. No way anyone can hear it in the van. You "feel" it louder than you can hear. Does that make sense?&nbsp;
LOL get a dog like Zeke and he will have you up at exactly 7am without fail... I knew I should never have bought him a watch...
Making a pillowcase is super simple, it's a great idea! I have night terrors and often don't sleep at all, so getting up is hard for me. I used to use my android phone on vibrate with a flat sleeping bag strap inside my pillowcase. It didn't even occur to me to implement a pocket, thanks!
@she: That makes sense, but I never think about or worry about making noise, I can't hear it anyways!&nbsp; Nobody has every yelled at me for making too much noise.&nbsp; Tho maybe they have, but weren't looking at me at the time, so I could see their red angry face!! LOL
Steve in a years time might be getting a dog. Until then I use the non furry alarms but your right they are great at that!<br /><br />Fluffabear glad I gave you an&nbsp;idea&nbsp;but sorry you have night terrors! I thought we outgrow them as adults? Wow thats&nbsp;gotta&nbsp;be hard. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/frown.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /><br /><br />Tara yeah its weird though,its not loud at all but with out my H.A.s it really seems SO much louder. Strange!!!&nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/confused.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />&nbsp;So since its not loud at all don't worry about it bothering anyone. You're in the clear LOL<br /><br />
This made me think of some car / van alarms -- someone rattles your doors at night and the alarms remote pager beeps and some vibrate like the old pocket pager's --- you could tape it to your forehead - just don't look out the window with it on <img src="/images/boards/smilies/eek.gif" alt="" align="absMiddle" border="0" />