From my experience, you are much better off on the freeways than on any 2-lane roads if you're doing 60 MPH, except possibly around cities. First off, a couple of winters ago, I went into Phoenix and drove all over the area for a couple of days, to familiarize myself. I crossed over all the major freeways on city streets, and the freeways were mostly backed up in all directions most of the time. Coming into town, I got onto the city streets about 10 miles west of town, and avoided the backups.23Tango said:-I'm driving an older truck, and as such I want to stick as close to 60mph as possible. I say that because I can see a two-lane being a problem if I had people riding my bumper the whole way. I'd rather avoid that stress and the delay caused to other drivers.
Then, away from the cities, I'd say you are 100% safer on freeways than on 2-lane roads, no matter what. If you're doing 60, at least the faster traffic has a route to get around you on the freeways. They really aren't so dumb that they will automatically crash into your rear-end ... in general. There are plenty of RVs going not too fast that the traffic gets around successfully.
OTOH, trying to pass people on 2-lane roads is always a problem, as some idiot is always in a big hurry, and doesn't always judge the distances very well. I've seen this many dozens of times. The most important thing to do is to not tailgate the guy in front of you, whereas give anyone trying to pass room to get into the space you are providing, if he needs it. Too often on 2-lane roads, 3 or 4 guys will back up tailgating each other and not leaving any room inbetween. I've seen this hundreds of times. 4 dumb drivers. The slowest driver causing the backups on 2-lane roads rarely pulls over to let the traffic pass by.