Advice on electric.

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How about getting a library card? You could probably sit in a library all day and use their power and wifi without anyone saying anything.
rinella said:
How about getting a library card? You could probably sit in a library all day and use their power and wifi without anyone saying anything.

Most places I've been, a library card isn't even necessary. Just walk in and ask for the wifi password.

The problem is always needing to be near a library or other place with public wifi.
I heard MAC's are power hogs. A complete solar setup is not cheap.

The cheapest solution is probably to buy a decent deep cycle battery and the longest set of jumper cables you can find. Then ghetto hook your house battery with the jumper cables right out the driver's window, under then hood and onto the Starter battery. You may want to buy some secondary clamps to make sure nothing comes loose while driving. (x4)

But if you don't drive a lot, this may not help.
Seraphim said:
For Apple notebooks:

The BEST wattage I could fnd for moderate use was 50 watts, for a newer laptop. Older units as high as 150 watts at moderate usage.

50 watts translates to about 4.17 amps per hour, times 7 hours of usage equals about 29 amps a day. This would be about 4 hours generator charging, possibly 1 hour driving time (not just idling the engine), or 4 hour of sunlight for solar.

So we need to need to know what computer the original poster has and, if she were willing to share the information, how much money she can afford to spend (inexpensive means different things to different people), before a realistic answer may be given.

This is my field of expertise so here's my thoughts on this subject.

Macbook AIR's consume about 15 watts idle and 34 watts at 100% CPU. Macbook Pro's use around 30 watts idle and 55-60 watts at 100% CPU. For average use, you can safely assume a wattage of 18-22 watts for an AIR and 35-40 watts for a PRO.

For efficiency purposes, the Macbook AIR is the most efficient laptop by a long shot.
Thanks Phreedom. I just pulled up the usage specs on Apple's website, and used the info for demo purposes.
I power my MacBook Pro 8+ hrs a day from a 240watt solar panel, I use a 12v MacBook power adapter (MagSafe) I found on eBay, with an apple branded MagSafe to MagSafe 2 adapter bought at the Apple Store for $10. . The one I use now is labeled We|charger and works well, I had a different brand that didn't work so well. So it's totally possible. I have about $1000 into my solar system(panel , charger, batteries). I watch the weather when in the PNW, when storms come thru for a few days, I wander into towns and use public libraries , so as not to deplete my battery banks.
This Dell ($279), runs just about anything, decently. I usually run Firefox with about 20-30 windows open, Warcraft III, JDownloader, virus prog, an MKV movie playing, etc....all at the same time, no problem.

Startup: 15-18w for about 10 sec. then dropping to 14-16w until Win 8.1 is fully loaded

Loading programs, accessing hard drive: 14-16w

At idle, screen on full bright, moving through windows: 8.9-10w

Playing an MKV movie, which is HD quality at 720p - 1080p and taxes the system hard: 12-14w

Sleep: haven't tried yet with Killawat.
Thank you to all who posted! Great information. I am collating everything and doing more research.

My Mother passed at the end of October so I chose to go offline and deal with the fallout from that. I am back now and ready to tackle this project.

I run a Macbook pro. I use it mostly to read news, check email, some web browsing and watch netflix.

I am going to buy a deep cycle battery and hard wire it to my alternator with an inverter. I don't want to use the starting battery to run my house electricity. I still live in the city so I have lots of places to plug in if I need to. I have a lot of time to research this and get it done.

I am happy to be back among you all.
Glad to see you posting again. So sorry to hear of your mother's passing. Jan
Wild Trappist, 16 months ago I moved off grid. Got all sorts of advice on electricity at a different forum. It was pretty overwhelming. I'm still working off a 13 watt solar panel for small lights and phone. I charge my computer at the library or off my car (not an option for you).

I'd suggest 2 things; Watch Bob's 2 videos on wiring and get a pure sine wave inverter.

There are 2 main types of inverters, modified sine wave which are cheaper but have issues w/ electronics and pure sine wave which is the same power that comes out of the wall. I like the Samlex. Try searching "Samlex pure sine wave power inverter" at Amazon (remember to use Bob's link on the right side bar :] )

When I read volts * amps = ohms^watts I just say to myself "magic stuff magic stuff". I know that as I work with this and want to learn, it will come. Just got to do the next right thing.

Condolences & be well - Doug
Simply put to me about 40 years ago. England over the republic of Ireland E over IR or E=I*R (E=Voltage, I=Current, R=Resistance).
In additon to the basic Ohms Law is the ohms law of Power PIE simple to remember P over IE (P=Power in Watts, I =Current, and E=Volts)
12 volts times 5 amps = 60 watts, simple eh?

How much current are we drawing from a 25 watt light on 12 volts? 25/12=about 2amps

I have to tell you that as a rookie elevator mechanic I was assigned a gig with an EXPERIENCED mechanic to install a unit in Palm Desert once and when we got to the citywe had to pick up a generator to run everything on as no utility power was available. Well I don't know who figured the size of the gen for us but I think my Leader had a part in it, after struggling to get the 2 hp motor to start up I said, just use ohms law! Oh man he said I was nuts, I said these are the numbers and I'm telling you this is the size gen we need. and I shut up. some phone calls were made and hour later we got the gen I suggested we use and went back on site, hooked it up and the lift motor started as if it were on utility power~!!! (pats self on back) Nice that he never questioned my wisdom again. 6 months later I was foremen of the field crews. another 6 moths and I was a licensed Journeyman Elevator Mechanic by the city of Los Angeles. Paying attention in School paid off.

Who can finish off "Bad Boys Rape Our Young..."
MikeRuth said:
Who can finish off "Bad Boys Rape Our Young..."

"... girls, but Violet gives willingly."

Yeah, that's the old non-PC version of the resistor color code mnemonic.
There's an even more non-PC version, but I'll spare our more innocent readers.

The cleaner versions are "Bad Booze Rots Our Young Guts, But Vodka Goes Well."

and "Better Be Ready Or Your Great Big Plan Goes Wrong."
Hello Wild Trappist,

I've been reading these forums for a while and have enjoyed all of the great ideas everyone here has. This is the first time I have felt the need to register and give some advice myself.

Since you have a Macbook Pro, you have some very simple options for powering it. First, as you state, inverters are not very efficient. I noticed a number of people have suggested a sine wave inverter which is a good way to go if you were looking to power other items.

Instead if spending money on the inverter and installing it, you'd be better off installing a power point (cig lighter) or two in your van and using a Macbook Pro DC charger. You can the find them on Amazon for under $30. This would also give you the option to charge your phone and maybe some rechargeable led lights with a cheap USB charger.

Here is a link to a simple 12v power point that can be installed quite easily.

Here is a search link for Macbook Pro DC power adapters.

I hope this helps.
psytechguy said:
"... girls, but Violet gives willingly."

Yeah, that's the old non-PC version of the resistor color code mnemonic.
There's an even more non-PC version, but I'll spare our more innocent readers.

The cleaner versions are "Bad Booze Rots Our Young Guts, But Vodka Goes Well."

and "Better Be Ready Or Your Great Big Plan Goes Wrong."

PC is the major problem with the world today. There is no such thing as common sense anymore.

Screw PC, I live free whether or not it's PC or approved by any governmental agency. If I like a law, I obey it. If I feel that it's an unjust law, I willingly break it. Live free or die.

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