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Jan 17, 2019
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Greetings to all forms of travelers!
I am standing at a fork in the road. One road I can choose to continue renting a house with my 5 yr old cat in a great, little home town area and where my family lives. Side notes: It will be one yr in March '19, that my father left this beautifulful earth. I'm a Chicagoan, left the big city to be with him as long as he lived. We had 3 wonderful yrs together and I was able to be with my nieces and nephew. My family has never been close and although we banded together in our grief for our last parent, we remained unfamiliar, dettached of some sort with ourselves and rarely met up for family functions. I have no regrets leaving Chicago, my home, but now, as a 60 yr old woman and three yrs in a quiet town, I'm not ready to move back to the big city. Like I said, I was not close to my family, my parents, yes. Now that they are both gone, I'm shifting into my next journey in life.
The OTHER road, is to travel. To become a nomad. To live in a RV, one day at a time.
Side note: I am a world traveler and have traveling in my blood since I was 24. I have lived in 3rd world countries, backpacked for wks in mtns, and even lived as a minimalist for yrs (started at 25 yrs old until 40 yrs old as a minimalist). Now, I have a 3 bedroom house, front and back yard, garage...its too much for me. Traveling is in my soul and I'm inquisitive, wishing, gnawing on the notion to live among other nomads. I have no rv or any vehicle to become a nomad. I have been reading and scanning many places to purchase a RV.

Both roads are staring at me. My inclination tells me to do the 'safe' road= I'm renting a house, family close by ect. less confrontation, more conveniences.
Even though I have a disability, I am fairly fit. I believe my heart is telling me to buy an RV and travel.
I want to travel and I want to travel with others who too love traveling. I have no support system in the town I am living in. The few friends I have, will frown upon me when I mention I may buy an RV to travel as a nomad. They count the risks and weigh in on the negatives for camping as a way of life (they are city people-Chicago! Haha and are afraid of the risks hahaha). I love them!
I'm going to a RV Camping show close to where I live- Feb. 28. This will be interesting.
I'm afraid I'll talk myself out of choosing the RV life and become a concrete house dweller... simply out of fear. All the "what ifs" are talking to me and I dont have a sounding board... thus the reason why i joined this forum.
Im hoping to gain insights from those who have/are traveling the RV road.

How do I focus on the right road? Where is the confidence to purchase an RV? 
I'm solo preparing as well as solo decision making and its not easy. I've never bought any of my vehicles. I'm lost at buying an RV. I've watched so many videos about it too, but lack the confidence.
Thank you all, who have couragously taken the RV life. You have been my inspiration! Any suggestions...any! It would be appreciated.
If you have the dough, rent an RV for a trip or two and see how you like it.

As for your nay-saying friends, tell them you'll mail some winter oranges from Miami while they are freezing their butts off in Chicago. ;)
Nice suggestion! I dont have the dough to rent, but I've a cat who loves to eat cookie dough!
Seriously though, I don't have the cash ability to experiment with a RV, van, car, boat, or even a flying carpet that fits me and my cat. I believe a Class C is what I'm leaning towards to purchase.

Thanks for responding and suggestions

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The tone of your post says you want to travel. How you travel is up to you. I think a class B RV would be a good size for you since it is just you and the cat. Travel small and travel far. Most RV life is spent outside with maybe a couple days stuck inside due to weather. But you have wheels and can turn the key if the weather or place doesn't suit you. That is the beauty of RVing, you can go where the weather is nice and I bet your friends would really be jealous when you send them pictures. I know mine are.
Thank you for your words and taking the time to respond.
I have seen videos of class B RV and it seems a bit crampy for me and my curious cat. I thought I'd start with a used class C, because its bigger and I'm going to be downsizing quite a bit from a house to a RV. The moving from a house to a class B may be a shock to my system. Buy a class C, try it out, if it's too much, sell it and buy a class B. Idk. This is where I lack in my own confidence to purchase a home on wheels.
Again, thanks for your encouraging words.

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Rent a class C before you buy one. They don't fit in parking spaces when the parking lot is not very big and are built pretty cheaply. You will lose your shirt (so to speak) if you need to sell it. A B+ is kinda a middle ground with a lot of storage (mine is a class B+) and still fits in a standard parking spot. The wife and I traveled in it for months at a time. The original plan was to be gone for 10 months only returning for the holidays. Outings with death in the family (twice) made us come back those first few tries. She has dementia now and can't travel anymore. After she passes, this will be my new home until I can no longer travel. We never sat in the van if we could be outside. If your plan is to stay in RV parks and in your RV, a trailer may suit you better.
If you do it, I’ll do it! 68yo guy at the same fork of the road, except I have a minimally set up van to start out in. Check out hobotech you tube videos for living with a cat in an rv. Hope to see you on the road somewhere.
B and C said:
Rent a class C before you buy one. They don't fit in parking spaces when the parking lot is not very big and are built pretty cheaply. You will lose your shirt (so to speak) if you need to sell it. A B+ is kinda a middle ground with a lot of storage (mine is a class B+) and still fits in a standard parking spot. The wife and I traveled in it for months at a time. The original plan was to be gone for 10 months only returning for the holidays. Outings with death in the family (twice) made us come back those first few tries. She has dementia now and can't travel anymore. After she passes, this will be my new home until I can no longer travel. We never sat in the van if we could be outside. If your plan is to stay in RV parks and in your RV, a trailer may suit you better.
Please excuse my naivety, but at RV parking lots the parking isn't big enough for class c? Whoa. What do you do if that happens? Find another place? Drive another hundred miles for a rest stop? Do the RV camp grounds inform people their parking lot doesn't accommodate big wheels? That's interesting. I could see I would be very upset if I couldnt park RV.

I've seen videos on some class c homes that look fairly cheap and people remodeled them to last hardy traveling. If I find a used one that someone took time and money to rebuild and is trying to rid it out of their lives (I wish, I wish, I wish) I may take their offer.
I'll check out the class b+.
Again, thank you.

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[email][email protected][/email] said:
If you do it, I’ll do it! 68yo guy at the same fork of the road, except I have a minimally set up van to start out in. Check out hobotech you tube videos for living with a cat in an rv. Hope to see you on the road somewhere.
I am amazed how people adjusted their lives in RV's for their cats. I hope I can do this! Thanks for the tip on hobotech videos. I will ck it out.
Best to you during your transition in life.

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Since it would take you a little while to find your vehicle and downsize why not car and tent camp on your days off while you plan your takeoff? Based on everything you said it sounds like you know what you want you just are looking for someone to tell you to do it and that there are no risks. The world is uncertain even in a sticks and bricks. Your writing sounds like your heart is yearning. My heart yearned, too, from 2nd grade through present but I needed to work, get the benefits, etc. and in the meantime many days off and vacations had to do. Looking back, I am glad I waited even if it was 50 years. I could have gone 10 years ago but again I waited so hubby could come. We're just tying up lose ends now.

But today many fulltimers are working on the road which is so awesome. Many don't have to wait due to their skills. I bet I would have bit that bug had it been around 30 years ago.

I say plan to go and act like you are while you take care of what you need to so you are ready when you give your 30 day notice.

I packed all the stuff I want to take in the back of the truck. LOL. I also weighed it. I'm now going through it to try to toss 1/3 the weight and mass. So OK, I can't bring 30 pounds of paper maps. Sigh.

BTW, my favorite vehicle is the Class B high top, we've owned 2. Ours have been: tent, tent-trailer, folding A-frame, Minnie Winnie, Class B, another Class B, now truck and cargo trailer conversion soon to be an RV (working on it) because we wanted the 4x4 and wanted dual axles and wanted thin and short to fit into small places.

Really, your words certainly sounded like your dream. Post some RV photos on the fridge and turn it into a wish board.
Welcome to the CRVL forums Srae29! I think B and C was referring to store and attraction parking lots which can sometimes be too small for large RVs. Most RV parks and most public campgrounds are large enough for motorhomes.
To get a better idea of what size and type of RV is best suited to you go to a large dealership or RV show and check them out. Walk around inside, lay on the bed, get in the shower, sit on the toilet, pretend to cook, wash dishes, etc. Inspect some older ones so you know where to look for problems. Watch for soft spots and stains on the floors, walls and ceilings. Check for rippling on the outside skin. If you find one that you like post pictures on the forum and more experienced members may be able to point out problem areas. When you settle on one get it inspected by an RV inspector and a mechanic.

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.
RoadtripsAndCampfires said:
Since it would take you a little while to find your vehicle and downsize why not car and tent camp on your days off while you plan your takeoff? Based on everything you said it sounds like you know what you want you just are looking for someone to tell you to do it and that there are no risks. The world is uncertain even in a sticks and bricks. Your writing sounds like your heart is yearning. My heart yearned, too, from 2nd grade through present but I needed to work, get the benefits, etc. and in the meantime many days off and vacations had to do. Looking back, I am glad I waited even if it was 50 years. I could have gone 10 years ago but again I waited so hubby could come. We're just tying up lose ends now.

But today many fulltimers are working on the road which is so awesome. Many don't have to wait due to their skills. I bet I would have bit that bug had it been around 30 years ago.

I say plan to go and act like you are while you take care of what you need to so you are ready when you give your 30 day notice.

I packed all the stuff I want to take in the back of the truck. LOL. I also weighed it. I'm now going through it to try to toss 1/3 the weight and mass. So OK, I can't bring 30 pounds of paper maps. Sigh.

BTW, my favorite vehicle is the Class B high top, we've owned 2. Ours have been: tent, tent-trailer, folding A-frame, Minnie Winnie, Class B, another Class B, now truck and cargo trailer conversion soon to be an RV (working on it) because we wanted the 4x4 and wanted dual axles and wanted thin and short to fit into small places.

Really, your words certainly sounded like your dream. Post some RV photos on the fridge and turn it into a wish board.
You are so right on so many points. I think people who have been doing the RV life for a long time forget their beginnings. Some have a smooth, no sweat transition and others complicate the process with too many questions (me). I am fortunate to have some time thinking about the next step in my life. I've been researching for at least 5 months and I dont want to make a rushed decision. I agree with you about wanting someone else to tell me to "JUST DO IT". It's as if I dont want to trust my inner voice and as if I think I'd succeed if I have a different person (voice) to tell me. This is a psychological pill I must swallow. GULP! I also believe since I've lost my last parent in 2018, I'm in the habit to pass along my ideas, decisions ect to my father who always gave me the best advise. It's a whole new world without his support.
I really like how you suggested to post photos of my dream wish RV. I'm going to do that! I'm going to live as if I'm going to do it.
The car and tent idea...I'll be honest, I've done it many, many times and now, I just dont like it. One or two days, its ok. It could be an age thing, idk.
Thanks so much for your input. Your words will stay with me during my beginnings.
It sounds like you guys have a dream list too. The best to you and safe travels!
rvwandering said:
Welcome to the CRVL forums Srae29! I think B and C was referring to store and attraction parking lots which can sometimes be too small for large RVs. Most RV parks and most public campgrounds are large enough for motorhomes.
To get a better idea of what size and type of RV is best suited to you go to a large dealership or RV show and check them out. Walk around inside, lay on the bed, get in the shower, sit on the toilet, pretend to cook, wash dishes, etc. Inspect some older ones so you know where to look for problems. Watch for soft spots and stains on the floors, walls and ceilings. Check for rippling on the outside skin. If you find one that you like post pictures on the forum and more experienced members may be able to point out problem areas. When you settle on one get it inspected by an RV inspector and a mechanic.

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.
Thank you for the welcome! Also, thank you for clarifying the RV parking.
I am looking forward to a RV show not far from where I live in IL. I missed the HUGE RV and Boat show in Chicago (McCormick place). I've been to that show, but I was into sailing and living on boats back in those days.
I like your suggestions to "experience" the RV's with my senses and logic. I will surely practice this at the show in Febuary, '19.
Thank you for your time and wise words.
I had the same decision to make and decided when I retire in a few years, I will be snowbirding in my RAV4 as long as my health allows....time enough for the S&B apartment in a small town after that.
Yep, guess I wasn't clear on the parking. Rv parks (campgrounds) can usually hold even the largest class A's. I was talking restaurants and shops, places with small parking lots.

I don't think many here stay in RV parks, I know I only do it on rare occasions. Boondocking is where you get to be in nature instead of a campground that feels like a small town.

Good advice to go to an RV show and check them out. Also think about driving them.
GypsyJan said:
I had the same decision to make and decided when I retire in a few years, I will be snowbirding in my RAV4 as long as my health allows....time enough for the S&B apartment in a small town after that.
Best to you with your decision making plans. I cant imagine myself living in a car, but I admire those who make it work for them. I'm semi-retired and wont fully retire until appropriate age. Being less tied to a corporate hold and my health being good, I want to travel and explore the country. I hope your dreams come true!