Standard Flooded Lead Acid batteries off gas so much that they need to frequently be maintained by adding distilled water- about once a month. AGMs and Gels off gas very little if at all (when properly charged); the water inside has to last the life of the battery! Clearly, very little off gassing occurs. The water in an FLA may last only 3 weeks. FLA's must be vented; AGMs, nope. Not even a battery box for an AGM or Gel.
If you properly charge your AGM according to the manufacturer's specs, AGMs will last a loooong time. My AGMs are 7 years old now and still strong. If you don't baby an AGM, it will die a quick death. $$$. FLAs are certainly more robust, but they need far more maintenance; no maintenance = quick death. $$. Just not as expensive of a death.
In order to take care of the expensive investment of AGMs, the best charge controllers are needed. Temperature sensor and the whole deal. If you cut corners, it will easily cost you more money in the long run.
With your limited space lithium is the perfect solution. They are cost effective, safe, do not vent at all, weigh much less, are almost immune from the Peukert Effect, and it is now proven technology. You can easily double the amount of usable electricity by going to lithium. Lithiums don't need a temp sensor, so that is a $30 savings. Then not buying 6 feet of 4/0 will save you about $40. A 150 a/h lithium battery will cost you $1300 with free shipping. Two 108 a/h AGMS will cost $730 (that includes accessories) plus shipping. But the lithium will last more than twice as long, provide more usable electricity, charge of faster (essentially giving you more solar power from your panels), and give you more storage, which is critical to most people. I hear that a lot: "Man, I wish I had just a little more space."
If you are using three feet of cable, I wouldn't go less than 2/0 preferably 4/0 with good crimps. Don't cheap out on the cable. Welding cable works well- it's highly abrasions resistant and highly flexible.