4 gang switch panel install questions...

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Well-known member
Dec 8, 2016
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Middle Tennessee
So, IN my ordering madness, I have purchased this 4 gang switch panel, and I am coming up with a few install questions...


Nothing major, and no biggie, just more like what if questions.

For instance, the switches have two led's in each one, one to indicate power on the circuit,
and one for what I assume will be like a little dash light (an actual, literal DASH) indicating
their location for finding them in the darkness while driving, etc.

I'm assuming that one would wire the "Lower dash lights" with a constant 12v power source.
There by giving them the visibility needed.
BUT, wouldn't that be one of those little parasitic drains we are all trying to avoid?

And if I choose to simply ignore those connections, would that be so bad?

Here is a linkie of the wiring instructions given with the product...
And I'm asking about the connections at pins 7 & 6

Yes, they would be a parasitic drain.

If used on the house battery, with solar panels, not worth worrying about.  If used on the engine battery, probably not a problem unless you left it parked somewhere for months.  LEDs just don't draw that much current.

As far as Pin 6 and 7, you could probably ignore them and the other led would still work when the switch was thrown.  Probably.  If I were doing it, I'd get a couple of test cords with alligator clips and experiment on one of the switches to check it out.

The big thing to my mind is the fact that two switches share a 15 amp fuse along with one of the power outlets.  Not sure what you're planning to hook up to these switches, but you'll need to be careful.  I would prefer that each switch and power outlet had it's own fuse, and would probably look to see if I could rewire it to accomplish that.
I just installed one of those. Probably the same exact one even

I just didn't hook up the 6 and 7

As I am using one of those switches for the pump and one each for the vent fans, the last for cabin lights..... I brought 10gauge to the two power in. I changed the fuses in them to 30 amp because I also have fuses on the 10 gauge at the fuse panel only a few feet away. I put a large fuse in...because if it blows...I have to unscrew the face plate to get into the wall to reach it! The fuse panel that feeds it will have an access door.

I have pictures in my build.
The fuse holder itself probably won't handle 30 amps - which is to say the wires may melt before the fuse blows.  As long as the fuse FEEDING it in the fuse block is lower, you might be OK, but I would have removed the fuse holder itself and relied on the fuse in the fuse block.
I thought about that...but didn't want to go cutting those wires. Pretty short..

So, yeah the fuses on the fuse panel are the correct size for the devices....bigger at the switch to avoid blowing it.
Looking at the circuit I think I would add an inline fuse on the output side of each switch for a little extra protection.
I'm wiring the two upper outlets to a single fused position on the distribution panel.
And each switch will energize a ciggy outlet at each corner of the living space...
So, power positive from distribution to switch, then switched power to each outlet.
Each one fused and powered individually, it's kinda a design thing that I prefer.
Think grandson charging phone and leaving the whatever on and unattended...

After I figured it out, I knew I did not want fuses behind the darn thing.
And I also am going to try and configure the dash lights to a dimmer for the overhead lights.
That way they are there if the lights are On and off if not.
I think... .?? Tomorrow...

U all roc!

Such Fun!!!