1973 Starcraft Swinger

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I've been looking at upholstery fabric to recover the cushions. WOW! That stuff is expensive!!!!! I had no idea it was going to be so costly. Oh well, nothing for it but to bite the bullet and do it! Hate to spend that kind of money and then not even be able to buy the rv. Well, It has to be done and if I'm going to be living in it for the next couple years I want to at least have it nice to look at and comfortable.&nbsp;<br>I'm quite surprised that the cushions are not falling apart or gritty considering how old they are. But they appear to be in excellent shape. They were covered in plastic so maybe that helped. I will probably recover them in plastic as well before reupholstering them. It's going to be a challenge but I think well worth it.&nbsp;<br>Rain in the forecast for the next week so my time painting there will be cut.....have only 3 weeks left before I have to be out of here and in there. I can do it even if it's not quite finished. At least it's clean and that's all that counts at this point!&nbsp;
&nbsp;Great job! Being able to see what can be in a project instead of what is, is truly a gift. One step at a time and soon you'll have a nice home and a huge feeling of accomplishment.
Thanks ya'al!<br> Yes Tonyandkaren, I am getting there.<br> I am so very curious about the engine and transmission of this little motorhome but a little nervous to ask him. He did say in passing that it might not be worth fixing......but I'm not sure if he meant the engine or what. I'll wait until he's less distracted. He's so busy this time of year, he is a well digger and well he's up to his eyeballs in work right now. I'll just keep working and making it home tho. Getting ready to head out now. Had to work this morning so couldn't get to it.
Got a lot of painting done. I'll probably need a 2nd coat of Kilz on the old pressed wood cabinets. ugh! But I got most of it with the first coat. Weather was very nice so it dried quickly. Very anxious to get it done. If it's not raining tomorrow I'll put a second coat on what I did today. Pooped!
Wow! 5 coats of Kilz primer on the cabinets. OMG! i thought I'd never get them done. Well, I painted after church yesterday all day and then today all afternoon and only have some touch up spots left to do. <span style="color: #ff0000;"><em>WOOOOOHOOOOO<br><br><br></em><span style="color: #000000;">I decided on green for the inside. It's really pretty too! I'm very happy with how it's turning out. Once I get it completed and curtains up I'll take some more pictures so I can show it off! Can't wait!!!!&nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img"></span></span>
Well, I've been working hard on getting the Swinger set up for living and we, Thor and I have been staying in her for the past week. Very small compared to what we're used to but really getting the hang of it. Thor wasn't very happy at first, no room to play but he goes out a lot so he's getting used to it. So am I. I'm getting things put away and finding a spot for my stuff.&nbsp;<br>It IS very liberating to not have so much "stuff" around me that I never use. Amazing really! I've got one more load to put in storage and trash or give away. so within the next 2 weeks we will be in here full time. It's actually very cozy and comfy in here.&nbsp;<br>Finally got the toliet to stop stinking......baking soda and bleach and a 5 gal. bucket of water! hahaha! works great! So all in all we're pretty well set. Just a little rearranging to do .....need to put all my shoes somewhere other than a tote. lol I have 3 pair of winter shoes/boots but a tote full of summer sandals. oops! hahaha<br>Here are a couple pics....haven't got curtains up yet but that will come next week. ran out of money. Still have to cover the cushions, that will be interesting too!<br><br>Oh, and I've named her <em><span style="color: #ff00ff;">"Sweetie"</span></em>&nbsp;appropriate&nbsp;name for her.<br>In the picture of the table I have put one of my deer hides that haven't been smoked therefore it's white, very pretty hide.&nbsp;<br><br>I found a place for my summer shoes.....the last 2 pictures are of the front area where the computers and tvs used to be...hahaha &nbsp;it's now storage for MY things.&nbsp;<br><br><br>
Lots of elbow grease and determination can work miracles! Live the "still life" you've created on the counter beneath the curtained window.<br><br>I'm seriously considering using my prized white wicker chests in my conversion. Why not have what we love with us - even in a small space.<br><br>Congratulations!
treesonggal, thank you for the lovely comments. I believe we should have our "lovelies" with us where ever we are! lol I love white wicker and I hope you're able to use it in your space!&nbsp;<br>I love waking up here! It's such a comfort in such a small space!&nbsp;
Nothing short of amazing! I am so happy for you (and Thor!). No wonder you wake up happy--you have transformed Sweetie into a warm, cozy, inviting living space. I love the flowers and feminine touches. Congrats on all that you have accomplished. Strut and be proud of your new home.
Cleanheart, I am just amazed at the transformation you've accomplished!&nbsp; You have a much better eye for possibilities than I do.<br><br>I did want to suggest a way to get cheap upholstery fabric.&nbsp; I found a budget fabric warehouse that sells discontinued fabrics at a fraction of their regular cost.&nbsp; Maybe you could find something like that in your area?
<img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img"><img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img"><img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">&nbsp;Yes, pleased as punch with the transformation so far! Got curtains up and a lovely sheer to block my bed...it's so pretty.....hehehehe I got most all my ideas from pinterest and looking at the insides of Vardos. HA! I stole from them&nbsp;basically. Their help my stuff. lol&nbsp;<br>Thanks Sunny for the info on upholstery fabric! I'll look around.&nbsp;
<EM>Starting&nbsp;to become a nice liveable pad for you, cleanheart.</EM><BR><EM>Good on you.<BR>Geoff</EM>
simply amazing.&nbsp; can't believe what you have done.&nbsp; doesn't look like the same vehicle.&nbsp; love the before and after pics.&nbsp; highdesertranger
<img class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif">You have made a jewel out of a mess.&nbsp; Beautiful.&nbsp; Ed
Thanks everyone! I've worked my tail off (I wish) and it's just a comfy and cute as can be. I love the "jewel out of a mess" Ed! lol Truly a true statement for sure! I haven't talked to him about buying it yet. I just needed to make it livable in case he says no. He's always finding something and I'm sure something will turn up if "Sweetie" doesn't become mine. &nbsp;
What an outstanding transformation, you had a vision and made it happen. <br><br>Goodwill, or a resale store might be a good place to look for your fabric. Sometime you can find fabric but I was thinking that you might be able to find a good quality bed cover, it could be cut and sew together like upholstery fabric would. <br><br>I've always admire people like you that find solutions instead of seeing only obstacles.<br><br>Take care<br><br>Nicole<br><br>
Thanks Nicole! Lovely comments. Good idea for the fabric! I'll keep looking.&nbsp;<br>I'm very humbled by all the wonderful compliments you all have given me. I'm actually surprised I've gotten this done in 2 weeks. I'm still finding places for things and moving things out.&nbsp;<br>I keep reading "Keep it simple and if it isn't functional get rid of it", I'm doing that as I move around in here. <br>I'm a food hoarder (prepper) so I had 3 cabinets stuffed full of food. lol Well, I went through those cabinets this morning and shifted things around, bagged up a bunch of food I knew I wouldn't be eating right away and will put them in the storage unit I'm cheaply renting. That will certainly keep me from feeling "full"! It's hard to find things when the cupboards are stuffed full.&nbsp;<br>Fortunately my little 5x10 storage unit is on the property where I'm living in <em><strong><span style="color: #ff0000;">Sweetie</span></strong></em> so my "stuff" is close and I can visit it as I need or want to. I will continue to go through things and get rid of stuff until it's manageable. at this point it is pretty full and overwhelming. I will get there.....in time. No rush, no hurry. I'm going to be in this one spot for a while before I get to hit the road.&nbsp;<br>The anxiety is down to a level now that I can deal with it and once I get my other place completely cleaned out I believe the anxiety will completely go away.&nbsp;<br>I truly envy those who get to travel and be where ever they want to be. That will happen for me in time. I just have to keep the dream alive!!!!
Well, sad news.....but also good news.....<br>I have given up <span style="color: #ff99cc;"><em><strong>Sweetie</strong></em></span>.&nbsp;<span style="color: #000000;"> I got an offer from my landlord to stay in the trailer that I couldn't refuse. Timing is everything and it was a last minute reprieve. Besides <em><strong><span style="color: #ff99cc;">Sweetie,</span></strong><span style="color: #ff99cc;">&nbsp;</span></em><span style="color: #ff99cc;"><span style="color: #000000;">was needed by a woman who was homeless and I felt that since I had a place to live she could use her. I wasn't crazy about living stationary there anyway so I am back out at the lake and happy for it. Thor is much happier and I feel that our time will come.&nbsp;<br>I am fixing up the trailer like I did <em><strong><span style="color: #ff99cc;">Sweetie</span></strong></em></span></span></span><span style="color: #ff99cc;"><em><span style="color: #ff99cc;">&nbsp;</span></em><span style="color: #000000;">going crazy with the paint once again and doing Shabby Chic. I am feeling quite at home now. I wasn't feeling very secure here before but now things have changed and I will do this right instead of feeling that I was being forced into something I wasn't quite ready for.&nbsp;<br>I will continue to unload the things of life that weigh me down materially and now that I have experienced the liberation of material "things" I will concentrate on my future on the road with Thor!&nbsp;<br>Thanks to everyone for all your help and encouragement during my time of distress!<br>I'll get there, just want to do it right this next time.</span></span>