1973 Starcraft Swinger

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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2012
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in a cornfield in IL
This is where I have decided to live until I can save enough to pay off the van and get on the road. This will take me about 3 years I'm guessing. I hope it's only that long, and maybe not that long.<br>It's a bit dismal at this point but I'm working on it. I've gotten it completely emptied out and cleaned from top to bottom. Getting ready to paint inside tomorrow and will take pics when I'm done. It's unbelievable how people can live this way. I'm pretty sure it was never cleaned once in the past 3 years at least. Too bad.&nbsp;<br>But.....it's starting to look good on the inside and then I'll spend the rest of the Spring cleaning up the outside and make it look a little better. It will never look "nice" outside since it's located in between 4 warehouses and there's a whole bunch of junk everywhere! lol&nbsp;<br>I don't really care about that so much right now, I am on a mission and can't let that bother me because &nbsp;like I said, I'm on a mission and have a goal. I'm pretty determined to do this so I will do it.&nbsp;<br>I am almost completely out of my place now and will be in the Swinger in 4 weeks. Oh, and btw, it still runs. lol<br><br><br>Here she is...<br><br><br>
Not the worst starting point I've ever seen. Our first camper was a 69 Shasta 1400 that we got as a rolling wreck for $250 and I spent a grand and a year rebuilding it. It took us all over the northeast and was on many of my jobsites over the 6 years we owned it. I just sold it last month. I love the looks and shape of the older ones.
Thanks Les, I was afraid I'd be hearing "Girl, are you out of your mind?!" lol The Current owner paid $800 for this 10 years ago and says it still runs. lol I don't know how hard getting parts would be but I'm going to look into it. I'd love to rebuild this and make it my own. It's cute as can be really.&nbsp;
&nbsp;Actually, it should be much easier/cheaper to find mechanical parts for it than it would be for new(er) units. looks like all flat glass to.. BONUS!! ..Willy.
Looks like you have potential there!<br>Get is cleaned and then take a breather to think on things. Best of luck<br><br>make sure you keep the propane bottle connection, even older they work good and it will save you money to have it.
<EM><STRONG><SPAN style="COLOR: #888888">Good&nbsp;on you cleanheart.</SPAN></STRONG></EM><BR><EM><STRONG><SPAN style="COLOR: #888888">I reckon It would look cool done up. you might have to rename yourself&nbsp;as cleanslate though&nbsp;!</SPAN></STRONG></EM><BR><EM><STRONG><SPAN style="COLOR: #888888">Cheers Geoff</SPAN></STRONG></EM>
Wow! Lots of positive reinforcement! Not what I was expecting. I almost was embarrassed to post it. lol&nbsp;<br>Thanks.<br>Yes Willy, all flat windows!&nbsp;<br>There are some spots from a leaky roof but that can be fixed. There are also spots around the bed area where the guy who was living there left a window open most of the winter after he left and no one noticed it. so.....I don't know.&nbsp;<br>We'll see what happens after I've been there for a minute. I think the guy would sell it but I believe he thinks it's not salvageable. Need to look at the plumbing and all. Stove works fine he said too. He does have it all tied in to his septic tank and used to have it hooked up to water, I'll have to see what is going on with that. Think the pipes are corroded.&nbsp;<br>Kind of exciting!<br>Going to begin painting today.
Cleanheart your a cleaner so from one to another (well ex cleaner..)<br><br>1 pint bottle, fill with distilled/pure water<br>add in 25-30 drops of Tea Tree Oil<br>add in 35-40 drops of GSE - Grape seed extract<br>(can also use grafefruit seed extract but I am worried about ants with that)<br><br>This is a very very good mold blaster<br><br>To scrub;<br>Borax 60%<br>Baking Soda 40%<br>(these are true&nbsp;Mold&nbsp;killers, <br>Bleach pits the surface and allows the&nbsp;Mold&nbsp;roots to spread, so it is no win situation to use it)<br><br>you can also use&nbsp;Vinegar, but I am allergic to that so I stay away from it!&nbsp;<br><br>First spray with the solution, scrub quick with a brush, sprinkle the BB mix then spritz till it looks like icing sugar, wait about 15-20 min, then scrub off, use clear water.<br><br><div>Sprinkle Borax and Baking soda mix (60% Borax-40% Baking Soda) and spritze with the Tee Tree GSE mix until it looks like icing sugar, cover with plastic so it does not dry out fast and remove it in about 4 hrs. or so, wipe clean. Then Extract, Rince and Extract</div><div>- This is good for ANY surfaces, I did a wall in a basement that had mold and mildew growing on it 4yrs ago, it has not grown back since.&nbsp;</div><div>&nbsp;</div><br>This will not scratch the surface of anything, it is much finer than Clorox/Ajax or the like, works on all hard and semi hard surfaces. I have also used it on wood with great results.<br><br>Used this method time and time again, with excellent results. The home owner/business owner was always amazed and the&nbsp;Mold&nbsp;never came back, if the original source of the problem was dealt with. If it was caused by leaking roof, fix roof or yes it will come back.&nbsp;<br><br>If the wood is punky though, or it does the test strip look, as in long stringers of wood&nbsp;fibres, just cut out and replace it, best all around fix there.<br><br>To purchase, I would low ball an offer to buy, start at $450 which is probably scrap price and ask to hook back up to utilities if you can. If it runs, shifts into gears and all, it can be fixed! You might need to live in your car/van for a bit until the&nbsp;Mold&nbsp;is cleared out for health reasons.<br><br><br>for&nbsp;reference..<br><div>www.moldacrossamerica.com<br><span style="font-size: 12.0pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-ansi-language: EN-CA; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;" lang="EN-CA"><a href="http://www.radonseal.com/molds/tea-tree.htm" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">http://www.radonseal.com/molds/tea-tree.htm</a>&nbsp;<br></span><br>Also look for&nbsp;Concrobium - USA only so far, not in Canada<br><br></div><div>&nbsp;</div>
Bonus, you have half a pie of some sort.<img class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif"><br><br>Seriously I assume he's going to get his 'stuff' out of it.&nbsp; Then you would be able to clean it up pretty quick.<br><br>Nice fine.&nbsp; Don't pay him too much.&nbsp; $250 is a good starting point maybe and see where he wants to go.<br><br>Good luck.
finding this interesting.&nbsp; getting old tech to work again, and improving it, is very cost effective.
Wow Wilderness, This is a great recipe! Thanks. I will be using it. I was going to start painting today but was so tired from my day working I came home. I will begin again tomorrow or Saturday.&nbsp;<br>I believe the wood that I saw that had gotten wet by the bed is now punky. It shreds and will need to be replaced. I'm sure of that. I think also that the whole back end is going to be like that. The leak from the roof has gone down the inside I feel and has damaged some wood. how extensive it is I could not say.<br>I'm going to try starting it up this weekend and see....might not even have any gas in it. I'll check that first. lol Put a couple gallons in it and see what it does. It is all hooked up so I probably won't be able to see if it moves or even shifts into gear, well, maybe that. But won't be able to move it.&nbsp;<br><br>Lost, It's not his stuff in there, it's the guy that was living in it for the past 3 years who just up and left everything. I've already bagged everything and stuffed as much as I could in the car he also left. I took all the electronics to the recycle place as there was no room to put them in the car. Besides they were old and probably didn't even work anyway. I clean houses for a living so I really didn't mind doing it. Not a big deal.&nbsp;<br><br><em><strong><span style="color: #339966;">(Also, I would have no problem offering him $450 for it at all. this guy is one of the most generous, compassionate people I've ever met in my life. he's offered to let me live in it for free for as long as I need to...using his elec. and his water.....I wouldn't do that. I will pay him to stay there. I have absolutely no problem doing the right thing here. I feel too many people take advantage of people like him and I don't want to be one of them. Even if he doesn't want to sell it I will still make it better than what it was and leave it that way when I do leave.)&nbsp;</span></strong></em><br><br>It's all cleaned up and ready for a fresh coat of paint before I move in. I will check the areas for mold first tho then make the decision. I can live in the van until I get that under control. Weather is breaking so it won't be a stretch. From what I saw the mold was on the mattress and not in the wood yet but I can't be sure so I will make up some of the recipe that Wilderness gave me and clean it up anyway just in case.&nbsp;<br>I'm very excited about this, I'm not a carpenter or mechanically inclined I measure 4 or 5 times then cut once then go buy more wood cuz I screwed it up and ask someone else to measure and cut it. LOL But since this is the rest of my life I'm talking about I might just manage to do it. All I need to do it pay attention to what I'm doing and use the right tools to do the job. That has been the problem in the past. I just use what ever I happen to have. lol&nbsp;<br>Well, the saga continues tomorrow and through the weekend.&nbsp;<br>WOOOOOHOOOO!
rokguy said:
<em><strong><span style="color: #888888;">Good&nbsp;on you cleanheart.</span></strong></em><br><em><strong><span style="color: #888888;">I reckon It would look cool done up. you might have to rename yourself&nbsp;as cleanslate though&nbsp;!</span></strong></em><br><em><strong><span style="color: #888888;">Cheers Geoff</span></strong></em>
<br><br>Just saw this Geoff.......very funny!!!!! hahahaha
I'll take some pics tomorrow when I go into town. then take more when it's painted inside. It looks good! couldn't believe the dirt I got up from the carpet! LOL I vacumed it 7 times and emptied 11 times. LOL craaazzzyyyy!
Mattress,<br>wear a mask,&nbsp;<br>take out into sunlight, 45 min per side, then 1 hr per side. Sunlight kills, odours, Mold and mildue. As well if it has any&nbsp;dust mite&nbsp;bugs in it, they will die as well.&nbsp;<br><br>Then vacuum and more&nbsp;vacuum&nbsp;then treat it with the&nbsp;recipe&nbsp;that I gave you.&nbsp;<br>Best of luck and keep moving
Great! Thanks again Wilderness! This is really going to help a lot. I really didn't want to buy a new mattress. and I'm very sure there are all kinds of dust mites and other creepy critter types in it. lol Yikes! I have a great little Shark Vacuum and it works like a whirlwind!&nbsp;
Okay, here it is all cleaned up inside. Started to paint today but really need to get some Kilz primer so I'll get some this next week and finish up painting.&nbsp;<br><br>In the second picture you can actually see the dashboard. lol there are a couple things up there but I'll get all that. It really cleaned up nicely. Made up some of Wilderness' recipe for mold and wow, what a job! But I believe it really helped. Tried to turn it on but found out the battery was dead so I'll have to work on that too!&nbsp;<br>Thanks for looking!
I am amazed at what you have accomplished! When I saw your before pictures, I did not reply because I didn't want to dump my negative thoughts on you. But now...I have changed my opinion and have to tell you that I know you can turn the Swinger into a nice place. Your progress has obviously been a lot of hard work. I so admire you.
Thanks Wilderness!<br>Vantasy, hahaha! It has been amazing so far! I am a Landscape Designer by trade and by schooling so I have to be able to see the "whole Picture" of something. It's a gift I guess. When I see something I see what it could be not what it is. hahaha! Sure makes it easier to accomplish what I set out to do. :)<br>Thanks!