01 Ford E150 120K miles $3.5k? ex boat tower

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Dec 8, 2019
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As the title reads, 2001 E150 with 120K, asking $3.5. it looks in great condition. Owner says it was use to tow a large boat for the past some years. Everything sounds good to me except the part about towing a boat with it. This van is 5 hours from me and it's the best thing I can find.

Dang it's getting hard to find a decent van anymore. All these small time dealers are buying them up at auctions without knowing a thing about them.
It doesn't matter if it is the best thing you can find if it won't meet your needs. If you backpack and just need a steel tent and can afford a new drive train due to the heavy duty use go for it! Otherwise keep looking or change what you are looking for.