A little income on the side

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Well-known member
Feb 8, 2019
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[size=small][font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif][size=small][size=small]The [/size][/font][/size][font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif][size=small][size=small]Unconventional Lifestyle & Thinking t[/size][/font][/size][/size]hread got me to thinking...

When I'm not on the road I live in a small apartment. Two of my neighbors do Uber and Lyft, and seem to be doing pretty well at it. So I am wondering how well this might work in the Quartzsite area in the winter, where up to 100,000 RVs are parked. Since you have to go to Barstow for the nearest Albertsons, or Parker for Walmart and Safeway, one might make a part time business out of ferrying RVers. Many RVers have to break camp to go for supplies, and I'm sure that many have some disabililty problems too.

Or just do it informally without joining Uber or Lyft. Around Quartzsite, there is probably no need to go formal. And maybe if someone has one of those large passenger vans, uncoverted, they could also ferry people around to the grocery supply places.
I just cant fathom how anyo e makes money doin that after gas. Its basically like delivering pizzas with $5 tip.
there is a Albertson's in Blythe. a Smart and Final too. 20 minutes maybe 1/2 hour many RVers car pool for shopping, Laundry, Showers, etc. many have Toads the ones that don't usually catch a ride. to get to Quartzsite many use their off road vehicles. it's perfectly legal in Arizona.

note, to drive a off road vehicle on the street you need a Arizona plate anybody can get one resident or not.

I saw a lot of people driving ATVs alongside US95 in and out of Quartzsite, but you must take your life in your hands going over the bridge above I-10.

I was thinking more along the lines of stocking up, meaning going 30 miles to Barstow or Parker, as the stores in Quartzsite are rather limited. I'm sure many people car pool, but there still may be an income opportunity there, given the huge number of RVs around town.
The Quartzsite RVers got the logistics of resupply sufficiently figured out long before there were ride hailing companies.

Meanwhile, there's a revolt brewing among Uber and Lyft drivers. They're not as happy with the financial arrangement as your friend.
You "may" be overly-generalizing, given the 100,000 plus RVs around the area. Just saying.

And my neighbor retired on SocSec, and is out transporting people most of every day.
One of the guys where I used to work does Uber in his off time. He makes very good money going to select areas during peak times (bigger areas/bar closing times). I've heard bad things about letting Uber/Lyft supply the car you drive.
MrNoodly said:
Meanwhile, there's a revolt brewing among Uber and Lyft drivers. They're not as happy with the financial arrangement as your friend.

Ironic, since they virtually killed off the taxicab business.....
The first step is to find out what the BLM has to say about your doing that.
Blythe, "not" Barstow, duh. Does that guy even know what state he's in? Probably thinks Quartzsite is in California. And he probably should have more clearly broken it into 2 possibilities:

1. uber or lyft.
2. informal transporter ala shopping/delivery service.

I think #2 is a better possibility, despite what that OP guy might think.
I have seen people advertise rides for hire on Craigslist. Go to their community section you will find ride share.
In the long run being a driver may cost you money. When your vehicle is worn out who will buy you a new one? Things wear out. tires, engines, transmissions. Great you made $5,000 doing ride share. Now you need a $15,000 replacement vehicle.

Also better check to see if your insurance will cover you for paid passengers. Say someone slams into you because they ran a red light. Maybe they had no insurance. Your insurance may cover passengers, but maybe not if you were charging them. They could cry fraud. Using a private vehicle for a business. The passenger could sue saying you should have seen the other party was not going to stop. They will not be wanting to pay their own medical bills. They hired you to take them somewhere safely.
Many people come to Quartzite for a few days from Phoenix.  Probably most of them have these apps on their phones.  I would think they and many others would be glad for drop off and pickup in the crowded town center.  You’d be going back and forth like a shuttle bus.

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